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Why Millennial Engineers Should Start a Business Now

From engineer to entrepreneur!

Millennial Engineers


Why are millennial engineers encouraged to build a business? Well, let me explain. Millennials have grown up in a world wherein technology has become more of a necessity than a want.

They have grown up in an environment wherein access to the internet is the main source of knowledge, and having a Social Media account was the means of connection with other millennials. If you don’t have an account, you have to create one to get in touch with other millennials. Social media has become a big thing for millennials, and technology is a big thing as well.


So what does this have to do with millennial engineers building their own businesses this year?

Here are some motivating reasons why:

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Millennial Engineers are Not Afraid of Taking Risks

Millennials are young and passionate in everything we do. They love taking risks, and that’s one of the most important traits in starting a business–taking risks. It doesn’t matter what kind of business you plan to handle whether it be an online business, a sole proprietorship or cooperative.

Millennial engineers follow their passions and want to make their lives easier, and so they take chances. They take risks and are not afraid because they make sure to calculate and weight the right risks and benefits, making sure they outweigh the failures. And if it does fail, they’ll get back up and learn from their failures.

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Millennial Engineers Understand the Power of Social Media

Like I said earlier, Social Media is the biggest connection to the world and no one understands these chain of connections better than millennials.

By taking advantage of the power of Social Media, you are able to market your services for free and generate leads and turn them into potential paying clients.

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Millennial Engineers Work Well In Teams

Millennial engineers want to achieve more, and make sure their achievements are collected efficiently and effectively. That’s why they understand that it is important to work well in groups or teams.

Millennial engineers welcome the opportunities of joining forces with other groups who can help them reach their goals, and in turn be able to help the group they are joining as well.

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Millennial Engineers Want to Make a Difference

Why did you become an engineer, is it purely because you know you’ll get a high salary once you get into the field? I doubt it. Engineers thrive to make a difference in the world.

They want to understand how things work, and ultimately innovate ways to make them even better. And for what? To make work easier, to make a difference, TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE. And I believe that this alone can be a strong driving force for an engineer to become a successful entrepreneur.

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Millennial Engineers Understand Technology

Every single engineer is Tech-Savvy. No arguments with that! No matter how old an engineer is, if a new innovation comes out, he/she would learn how it works! This gives millennial engineers an advantage, since they were born in the computer era.

They have learned to use the computer and internet better and faster than older generations have. Imagine how one can apply these in a business–the possibilities are endless!

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These are just a few examples of why millennial engineers should build up a business now. Entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone, but knowing how engineers want to learn something new every time, (and reading this motivating article), I’m sure it’s worth a try!

Do you have the courage to become an engineer-entrepreneur?

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

Why Millennial Engineers Should Start a Business Now

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