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How Full Depth Reclamation Can Help with Pavement Failure

Two common causes of pavement failure

In civil engineering, there are two probable reasons for pavement failure.


A lot goes into the construction of pavements for road users. Lots of taxpayer money is involved when the government at various levels sponsors these projects, and it is only ideal that they serve their purpose.

The same also applies when an individual or individuals join hands to construct pavements. This is why it is necessary to do all that’s reasonably possible to keep these constructions in the right state and shape. If you would like to have an idea of how much goes into road maintenance every year, you can click here.

The truth is that even the best-constructed pavements will give in after some time; this is where maintenance and repairs come in. However, some begin to show signs of premature failure for several reasons.

When this happens, the repair process has to be the right approach. This is important as some repair approaches only tackle a bit of the problem, not everything. This is why the full-depth reclamation is strongly recommended.

It has been used for quite a while and the results are usually impressive. This is as long as the right hands and minds are involved in the repair process.

In this article, we will discuss how this repair technique can help fix several causes of pavement failure. You are advised to keep reading to learn more about this technique’s ability to help. But first, let us discuss…

What Makes Full Depth Reclamation Technique Better than Other Repair Techniques?

Full-depth reclamation is better than many other pavement repair techniques, given that it does not only patch up the problem. Rather, it addresses the underlying issue by ensuring that the base is in the right state and shape.

If this is not the case, chemical treatments and other necessary things are done to address the issue. Other than this benefit, some of its advantages include the fact that:

It saves a lot of time. This means that road users will not have to wait too long before they can use the road again.

It involves top-level planning – There is such a thing as full-depth reclamation design, and it is a design process that ensures that the technique is feasible. It would also ensure the right specifications are followed when using this technique. This is unlike other approaches that address problems only when they show up.

Cost-Effective – This is one of the benefits of engaging in this repair method. One would think that its time-saving advantage and effectiveness would mean it would cost more. Surprisingly, this is not how it works. This explains why it is becoming increasingly popular.

Very Effective – Nothing beats this technique when it comes to doing a perfect job. As explained above, many alternatives only patch things up instead of addressing the very cause of the problem. Fortunately, this technique addresses the very root of the problem.

road crack civil engineering construction repair

Some Reasons why Pavement Failure Happens

Every constructed road has a lifespan. This is the time that it is expected to serve its purpose until it begins to give in to things that would make it require repairs.

When the need for repairs on such constructed roads arises, full-depth reclamation is a good repair approach. Similarly, it can also be used when the pavement failure is premature. Judging from experience, some of the possible causes of pavement failure (premature or otherwise) include the following:


Explaining how cracking can degrade pavements can be a bit tricky. This is mainly because there are several kinds of cracking that can cause various degrees of damage to the pavement. Some of them include alligator, block, edge, transverse, joint, and linear cracking.

It is tricky in the sense that while they all cause cracks in the pavement, the causes are different. For instance, transverse cracking has to do with irregularities in the base region of the pavement. This could be because of a shift in base material caused by inappropriate paver operation or even extreme temperatures.


This problem could lead to other problems. Consider how this problem causes moisture to be retained rather than dispersed. The reason for this is irregularities in the elevation level.

The root cause of this problem is consistent uneven compactions or sub-bases. Full-depth reclamation will be very helpful in addressing the effects of depression on pavement.

This is especially true considering how it would not only patch up the uneven elevation points with asphalt. Rather, it would straighten up the base with chemical treatment and the best that recycling affords.


This article has discussed how full-depth reclamation can help repair pavements affected by two common causes of pavement failure. However, you should know that it can help with more than just these causes.

Some other problems it can help repair include pumping, faulting, corner breakage, and punch-out. For more on this subject, you can visit:

Full-depth reclamation is a very effective approach to repairing pavements. For this reason, it is wise to use it when the need arises.

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How Full Depth Reclamation Can Help with Pavement Failure

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