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I Got By Engineering Thanks To My Friends

For every test I took, I’m glad to have my friends thinking the same way that I did: “When the hell did we discuss these topics in class?”

I Got By Engineering Thanks To My Friends


For every test I took, I’m glad to have my friends thinking the same way that I did: “When the hell did we discuss these topics in class?”

We have to admit it. Engineering is not an easy course. It’s not for the faint-hearted. Engineering school is not a place for everyone. If you think that you can get by it alone, then good luck! Most of us are lucky enough to have friends who share with us the agony of studying for final exams and preparing for a report we have no idea about. For that, here’s a thank you to all of those who were there for us until graduation.

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Thank you for all the nights we shared studying for an exam in the cheapest coffee shop we could find. You were there when some of us almost broke down over the thought of failing an exam.

Thank you for laughing with me when there was nothing else to do after receiving the results of our exams. However, you knew when to comfort me when I needed it the most.

Thank you for “sharing your ideas” whenever we had assignments that I had a hard time answering. It helped pull my grades up and pass the course.

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Thank you for being happy with me when I thought I met the love of my life. Most importantly, thank you kicking his ass after he broke my heart.

Thank you for protecting me from harm during experiments in the laboratory. If you weren’t there that time, I would have probably ended up in the ICU.

Thank you for encouraging me to never stop fighting for my dream. Thank you for being there when I wanted to quit the fight. I would have given up on my desire to be an engineer if it were not for your constant support.

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Thank you for keeping up with my crazy. I know I didn’t fit in to the typical stereotype but you accepted me for who I am.

I could go on with my thank you note but there are not enough words to express how much I owe my success to you. Look at us now. We’re all engineers. Yesterday, we were crying about a terror professor who was giving us a hard time. Now, we’re working in different companies and becoming who we really are. i really couldn’t get by engineering school without you.

Again, thank you!

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Engr. Jenae Muller
Engineering geek. Currently working at Murray & Roberts Joburg. Former senior engineering recruiter at Group Five Engineering & Construction. Studied industrial engineering at Univ of Johannesburg. Kickass Dutch who likes tattoo. Blogging about innovations. Follow me on Linkedin

I Got By Engineering Thanks To My Friends

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