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Hire the Right Engineer the First Time

A simple advice on how to hire the right person for the job without having to look around too much

Right Engineer

Hiring people isn’t easy. You might think one person is a good fit for the job, then the next day they’re gone. Hiring is a tough task and could even cost you if you don’t get the right person. To avoid wasting money and energy, here are a few tips to make sure you hire right on your first try. Getting the right fit for the job will even help your company financially.

Make sure to check your existing staff. The person you’re looking for might already be inside your company. Always consider internal hiring; not only does it cut costs, it also boosts morale. Another thing that companies usually do is hiring quantity over quality. If you’re not sure what a quality employee should be, check your key performers. Try to base your future hires from your already competent team.

Three Simple Steps:

  1. Hire the right engineer, the first time:
    1. Thoroughly define each role in your company
    2. Define specific success outcomes that are expected in the role
    3. Isolate the CAN DO (Intellectual Quotient)
    4. Isolate the WILL DO (Emotional Quotient)
    5. Isolate the FIT IN (Character Quotient).
  2. Follow the hiring protocol:
    1. Train each hiring manager on the CPR for his/her positions
    2. Conduct a preplanned behavioral-based telephone screening
    3. Employ a cursory pre-interview assesment
    4. Formulate a position-specific interviewing guide for managers to follow
    5. Make hiring decisions according to the predetermined hiring matrix.
  3. Set up an effective ramp-up process that validates your hiring choice out of the gate:
    1. Socialization – on-boarding
    2. Manager – new employee
    3. Game plan – expectations, communication, work style.

Hiring the right engineers for a job recruitment in Philippines, Hiring the right engineers for a job recruitment in Dubai, Hiring the right engineers for a job recruitment in Singapore, Hiring the right engineer for a job recruitment in Indonesia, Hiring the right engineer for a job recruitment in CHina, Hiring the right engineers for a job recruitment in Hong Kong, Hiring the right engineer for a job recruitment in Malaysia 

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Hina Sapra

Content Writer, South Asia. Hina is a former news correspondent at Times of India

Hire the Right Engineer the First Time

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