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The Most Important Lesson We Forgot from 3 Idiots

Will you keep chasing success like Chatur? Will you continue on with your career with false pride? Will your grades really matter later on?

College has always been challenging for all of us. Either you were born lucky to easily solve complicated problems from your engineering professors or just down on your luck from all the failing grades you got every semester. But as soon as you finished watching the greatest film ever made for engineering school, you got inspired to finish the degree you chose. Quitting is not an option.

Yes, you all know the movie 3 Idiots and we love to talk about it here. Most of us watch it again and again to remind us that all will be well just like it did to the three main characters. Despite all the unfortunate incidents that happened to all of them, they ended up becoming successful in their respective careers.

But if there’s one case we keep forgetting to point out, it’s the hopeless case of Chatur Ramalingan. We all can’t forget how he played a crucial role in reuniting Farhan and Raju with Rancho (who ended up as Phunsukh Wangdu). He was unbelievably arrogant and annoying throughout the movie. Even in the scene where he was embarrassed in front of the school for saying the wrong things, no amount of pity were given to him because we all know he didn’t deserve any.

Now, we all want to be Rancho in the film. Sometimes, we end up like Raju though. We have a terrible time in class and sometimes, we just feel like giving up because maybe it’s just not for us. Maybe we weren’t born to be engineers. But what if you’re not like Rancho, Farhan or Raju? What if you go through engineering school just like Chatur?

If you still aren’t familiar with his character, he’s the type of student who desperately wants to impress his professors just because he wants to be number one in class. He memorizes his lessons without completely understanding them. He despised Rancho because his actions were different from his but Rancho still ends up getting ahead without even trying. He really was the type of student other students hated but never envied. What if you are exactly like him?

Source: Soompi Forums

Even though Chatur ended up as a vice president of an American company, his determination to succeed was fueled by his hatred for Rancho. Not exactly the best reason to pursue a field in engineering and be the best in his field. So again, what if you are like him? Have you ever thought that your drive to be an engineer was all wrong for you?

Chatur was desperate in his chase for success that he did mindless memorizations and tricked his classmates into getting distracted from their exams. He was a cheat in his own way and wasn’t humble enough to to accept his mistakes in their school. While some would say it’s the pressure to do great in engineering school that led him to where he is, Chatur didn’t really learned the important lessons one should learn in college.

So here’s a warning for anyone who is slowly turning into Chatur. Reflect on what you’ve done in school and think how this will affect you later on as an engineer. Will you keep chasing success like Chatur? Will you continue on with your career with the false pride? Will your grades really matter later on?

Or will you follow Rancho’s advice: Follow excellence and success will chase you, pants down.

Be a Rancho in a world full of people like Chatur.

Source: Soompi Forums

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The Most Important Lesson We Forgot from 3 Idiots

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