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Salary of Mechanical Engineers in USA vs PH 2021

Does it pay high? Or pay low? What is the average salary of a mechanical engineer?

Annual Salary of Mechanical Engineers in USA vs PH 2021


Do you want a job as an engineer? Do you want to earn in abundance? Then the field of mechanical engineering certainly looks suitable for you.

Salary usually depends on the industry you are working in and it is the same with mechanical engineers. Their salary depends upon the industry as well as upon the engines that they design.

Philippines Salary

According to Economic Research Institute, the average pay for a Mechanical Engineer is PHP 575,497 a year and PHP 277 an hour in Philippines. The average salary range for a Mechanical Engineer is between PHP 406,857 and PHP 720,415.

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On average, a Bachelor’s Degree is the highest level of education for a Mechanical Engineer. This compensation analysis is based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Philippines.

ERI’s compensation data are based on salary surveys conducted and researched by ERI. Cost of labor data in the Assessor Series are based on actual housing sales data from commercially available sources, plus rental rates, gasoline prices, consumables, medical care premium costs, property taxes, effective income tax rates, etc.

USA Salary

With the advent of technology, the job prospect of mechanical engineers looks considerably high. Various machines are being built to improve the quality of life of the people. According to the survey of Bureau of Labor Statistics a mechanical engineer gets an average salary of $84,770. Crap! That is a lot of money. However, it has been found that you will only get such a salary at the start of your career if you have a master’s degree in the field.

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The students entering the manufacturing sector should be alarmed as it has been reported to generate the lowest starting salary. Engineers who found jobs in the state government, local, and state agencies have been reported to have started with the highest salary.

Other than all this, the geographical location can also have an effect on the salary of a mechanical engineer. Seems unfair, right? But it has been noticed that the mechanical engineers in the Southwest and Northwest were the highest paid engineers whereas those in the Midwest earned the lowest.

The good news here is that you can expect a rise in the job prospect in the future. It has been estimated that there will be over twenty thousand additional jobs by the end of the year 2020. This might be lower than the average job growth but this will create enough opportunities for mechanical engineers.

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The figures look quite lucrative, isn’t it? Then I think that you should not wait at all and start with your high-income career. Be a mechanical engineer!

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Patricia Eldridge
Patricia took her MBA in London, UK. She's a model, actress, blogger and a copywriter. Her boyfriend is an overworked and underpaid engineer.

Salary of Mechanical Engineers in USA vs PH 2021

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