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Smartest People Of All Time: How To Identify?

How to determine who is the Smartest People of All Time? This question is quite simple if you use an IQ test

Throughout the history of our civilization, many scientists and thinkers have been ahead of their time. However, how do we determine who is the Smartest Person of All Time? This question is quite simple if you use an IQ test. The intelligence quotient is a great tool that allows us to digitally change a person’s intelligence to compare indicators and understand who has the highest IQ.

A Few Words About The IQ Test

Who has the highest IQ in the world? The IQ test appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and almost immediately became popular. Using this method, you can calculate how well a person’s mental abilities are developed. The average person has an IQ of about 115 to 125; from 125 to 150 indicates a high level of intelligence, and the indicators above indicate genius. There are many tests today, so the hands can vary depending on the methodology. However, the basic metrics remain similar for many tests.

If you want to know your IQ level, you can take one of the international tests. Your result will be the most accurate and officially registered.

However, one crucial question remains: who has the highest IQ ever? If the test was invented only at the beginning of the 20th century, then how can we find out the Intelligence quotient of people who lived before its invention? Now, I have developed a mechanism that allows you to determine your IQ level based on the scientific works of a person and the age at which they were written. This method gives an error but allows you to get an idea of the author’s intelligence roughly.

The highest IQ can be congenital or acquired. Most infant-prodigies from an early age show excellent results in studying foreign languages or solving complicated physics or math problems. However, there is a memory app that can improve IQ levels, allowing adults to achieve good results.

The Smartest People On The Planet

History knows many intelligent scientists who have achieved a lot in their field. However, anyone can have the highest IQ. We propose to consider a few examples:

Each of them has earned its place in history, although they are entirely different from each other.

William James Sidis

When reading about the smartest people of all time, it is impossible not to mention William James Sidis. This child prodigy went down in history as the person with the highest IQ in the world. According to some tests, his indicator ranged from 250 to 300. At the age of two, he wrote several books; at nine, he finished school; at 12, he entered the university and graduated with honors after a few years. However, William James Sidis cannot boast of outstanding scientific achievements.

Although he had outstanding mental abilities, this man was emotionally very immature. Due to the paparazzi’s interest, William James Sidis felt very uncomfortable, so he constantly hid and lived under different names. An outstanding man died at the age of 46 from a cerebral hemorrhage.

Who has the highest IQ ever? We can confidently say that William James Sidis never made any outstanding discoveries and died alone at an early age.

Christopher Hirata

Who has the highest IQ in the world? Christopher Hirata has the highest IQ level—according to various estimates ranging from 225 to 250—among all geniuses who live today. He has been fond of physics from an early age and actively works in this industry. He now teaches at the university and collaborates with NASA to study black holes and optical instruments.

Johann Goethe

When making a list of the smartest people of all time, Johann Goethe is impossible to forget. He was a famous writer and a scientist who founded the science of human chemistry, developed many other branches, and was the first to discuss the theory of evolution. Albert Einstein admitted that he considers him one of the most intelligent people in human history.

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Smartest People Of All Time: How To Identify?

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