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This Switch Controller is Designed for Gamers With Only One Hand

The engineer behind this got the idea of building this controller peripherals after his friend who is a Zelda fan lost the use of his right hand.

The problem with playing online games is that it usually requires the gamer to use two hands while playing. This is rather unfair, because how about those who are used to just using one hand in just about anything, or more importantly, those with only one hand?

That is what Julio Vazquez has exactly addressed, by inventing a couple of peripherals designed for use by disabled players with only one hand. His invention changed how Switch’s Joy-Con controllers are played.

Vazquez designed the controller peripherals to remove the empty space between the two Joy-Cons. That way the layout is condensed, allowing for the disabled player to access the buttons of the other hand just right.

Photos via AbleGamers Charity

There is a variation that puts the Joy-Cons together at a right angle so gamers can use their thumbs on the left side, while the fingertips can reach around and manipulate the buttons on the right controller.

Video via Vexelius

Of course the custom controller made by the mechatronics engineer can be used by two-handed players, but it is rather awkward. The convenience of using such controller is not the same for those who are able to use two hands for gaming.

AbleGamers, a charity specializing in bringing video games to those with physical disabilities, is a hundred percent supportive of this innovation. It promoted the peripherals especially that it can be 3D printed by anyone, with blueprints available over Vazquez’s Thingiverse page.

Vazquez got the idea of building this controller peripherals after his friend who is a Zelda fan lost the use of his right hand.

“This adapter was developed by request of my friend Rami Wehbe, who wanted a way to play Zelda: Breath of the wild using only his left hand; as he lost the ability to control his right hand due to a cerebrovascular accident,” Vazquez said.

“This current design was the result of almost a week of research and lots of failed prototypes, as I had to ensure that it would be easy to print, lightweight and practical. After testing that it works properly, we decided to share it, so that it can be of help to other gamers in a similar situation,” he added.

Source: Eurogamer

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This Switch Controller is Designed for Gamers With Only One Hand

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