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What’s Trending in Civil Engineering and Construction

Civil engineers and construction workers are always looking for new ways to improve the industry. Here are some of the latest trends:

Here’s what’s trending in civil engineering and construction


Emerging construction technology is not simply a new toy or a passing trend, but rather the future of building as a whole. Modernizing your present procedures has real-world applications and advantages. In order to stay on top of the competition and avoid being left behind, construction firms are experimenting with new ideas and incorporating them into their processes.


Building Information Modeling (BIM) is one of the most popular building technologies in 2022. BIM is a construction technology that facilitates greater cooperation in civil engineering. Automating conflict detection and presenting a full picture are two ways it aids in the design and planning phases.

The use of mobile devices and applications in construction is also becoming increasingly commonplace. Tablets and smartphones’ enhanced mobility enables better communication and the flexibility to work from any location. If you want to stay on top of your game in the construction sector, you’ll need to adopt it.

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Construction projects will see an increase in the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones by 2022. Site surveys may be completed more quickly and correctly with them than with staff on the ground, and they are also less expensive than using aerial imagery to gather data. It is also possible to investigate dangerous sites such as bridges or big structures with a drone without risking your safety. You can even keep tabs on the progress and check how the workers are doing on a construction site.

For the construction business, 2022 is projected to be a game-changer. The only thing stakeholders in the construction industry can hope for is improved productivity and less costly delays. Data-driven industries that emphasize cooperation and real-time communication are expected to emerge in the near future.

The building business is going through a major paradigm change. In the next several years, experts say we’ll witness the most significant changes in the building business.

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Here are the top 7 trending in the civil engineering and construction industry:

The construction industry is booming with new projects being started every day. Civil engineers are in high demand to design and oversee these projects. So what’s trending in the civil engineering world? Here are a few of the most popular trends.

3D Printing:

3D printing has been used in the civil engineering field for a while now, but it is becoming more popular as the technology improves. 3D printing can be used for everything from printing out models of proposed buildings and bridges to printing out parts for actual construction projects. This technology allows engineers to test different designs quickly and easily and makes changes and repairs much simpler.

Green Construction: Trending in civil engineering

More and more people are becoming interested in sustainable or “green” construction practices. A large part of this is due to the fact that there are cost savings in being more eco-friendly. The materials used in construction can be recycled, and the process itself is much less harmful to the environment.

There are a few key trends in the civil engineering and construction industry that professionals should be aware of in order to stay ahead of the curve. Some of these trends include prefabrication, modular construction, and 3D printing.

Prefabricated Materials: Trending in civil engineering

Prefabrication is the process of manufacturing building components off-site and then assembling them on-site. This method has been around for centuries, but it has recently become more popular due to advances in technology. Prefabricated components are often made from lightweight materials such as metal or plastic, which makes them easier to transport and install.

Modular: Trending in civil engineering

Modular construction is a similar concept to prefabrication, but instead of manufacturing individual components, entire buildings are manufactured in modules. These modules can be assembled quickly on-site, which makes this method ideal for projects that need to be completed quickly or under budget.

Environmental: Trending in civil engineering

Construction projects that are more environmentally friendly, such as using green materials or installing solar panels. There has been a recent trend in the construction industry to use more environmentally friendly methods and materials. This includes using green materials that are more sustainable and installing solar panels to generate power. Some of these methods have been around for a while, but they are becoming more popular as people become more aware of the importance of sustainability.

One example of a construction project that is using more environmentally friendly methods is the new Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library in Washington, D.C.. The library is being built with green roofing, rainwater harvesting, and energy-efficient lighting. It will also have a large solar panel installation on the roof, which will help to power the building.

Another example is the new Google headquarters in California. The building has a number of features that make it more sustainable, including rooftop gardens that help to cool the building and reduce stormwater runoff.

Site Traffic: Trending in civil engineering

New techniques for managing traffic flow around construction zones. As construction projects increase in size and scope, so too does the need for better traffic management around work zones. While engineers have long used traditional techniques like signage and cones to direct traffic, new methods are trending in the field that promise even more efficient flow.

One such technique is the use of variable message signs (VMS). VMS can be used to dynamically change messages based on real-time conditions, allowing for more targeted warnings and instructions. For example, if a lane is closed due to a collision, a VMS could immediately direct drivers to the next available open lane.

Another growing trend is the use of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). ITS can include technologies like sensors and cameras that collect data on traffic patterns. This data can then be analyzed to identify issues and potential bottlenecks.

Extended Reality in Construction: Trending in civil engineering

Use of augmented reality in designing and building projects.

Augmented Reality has been used for many years in the medical and gaming industries. However, it is now making its way into civil engineering. Many companies are using augmented reality to help with design and construction projects. The benefits of using augmented reality include saving time and money, as well as improving accuracy and quality.

One company that is using augmented reality to help with its design projects is AECOM. They are a global company that provides architecture, engineering, and construction services. They have been using augmented reality for about two years, and they have found that it has helped them save time and money on their projects. For example, they were able to use it to quickly visualize a building design in 3D before starting construction. This saved them the time and money that would have been spent on building a physical model of the building.


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Robert Bagatsing
Managing Editor and Founder of GineersNow based in Dubai and Manila. Survived marketing at Harvard, Management at AIM and proud Bedan.

What’s Trending in Civil Engineering and Construction

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