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Should I Get a CSCS Study Guide? How to Get PT Certified

A study guide helps you to give you direction and structure and keep you focused where you need to stay focused

What is the CSCS study guide, and how can you get PT certified?


When it comes to studying for hard exams, there are a lot of factors to take into consideration. The most important factors affect how you spend your time preparing for your assessment day. When it comes to taking a test, there are two general kinds of people. Those who are naturally good at taking assessments and performing under pressure, and those who have to work twice as hard because they have test anxiety. The good news is that regardless of what natural strengths or challenges you have, everyone has to take their study and prep time seriously.

For the most part, regardless of natural bents, if a person doesn’t spend their time leading up to an exam well, then the chances of the exam not going well simply increase. So, if you do well emotionally when it comes to exams, or you don’t, what kind of tactics and tools do you need to be successful?

The thing about studying is that everyone is different. There is never one sure-fire way that is right for every person because every person is unique. Some people need total silence with minimal distractions, while others find areas devoid of stimulus distracting and need the white noise of activity around them to help them focus. One thing that most people, regardless of difference, seem to benefit from when it comes to exams is study guides. Study guides help to do just that – guide your studying so you can get as big a return on your investment during your prep time.

If you are preparing for the CSCS exam, you may be wondering about the benefits of using a study guide and whether it’s worth it. The CSCS is an intimidating exam, and you should explore multiple options when it comes to studying tools that could help you secure the score you want. Here is everything you need to know about whether or not you need a CSCS study guide.

How Much is There to Study?

Anyone who has used study guides multiple times for various exams knows there’s always a chance these tools can not be too helpful. Because of the size of the CSCS and the sheer volume of material to study, you don’t want to waste any precious study time. If a guide won’t do you any good, you need to not waste a moment on one.

Most importantly, you can gauge whether a study guide could be worth your time based on the amount you have to study. For example, sometimes you may have an exam with digestible material, and you don’t need the assistance of a study guide. A study guide, after all, is a tool that helps direct your attention to what is known as high-yield information. The reason study guides can be extremely helpful is that sometimes your study materials are so extensive that there’s no possible way they’ll all yield high.

In a situation like this, a study guide can help you understand what information is high yield and what concepts you need to know like the back of your hand. When it comes to the CSCS, there are over 600 pages of study material that the exam could cover. Not only that, but it’s well known that this certification is one of the most challenging to achieve. The CSCS sees only 66% of students succeed. When you spend months and resources studying for an exam, the last thing you want to see is that you fall into the 44% that didn’t make it.

Study Guides Help Organize Content

The CSCS study guide from Trainer Academy is part of a study regime that has seen less than 1% of students who take it fail the CSCS exam. That’s an astounding amount of success, and the study guide is very much at the heart of what makes this system work. With over 600 pages of information to be tested, the CSCS is such a large exam that simply arranging the material is its own challenge.

A study guide helps to organize high-yield information in a way that gives you the structure you need to ensure you aren’t wasting any of your time. Not only that, but with intelligent practice tests that help you assess where your current mastery of the knowledge is, you can be sure that you are ready for exam day when it rolls around.


When it comes to preparing for the CSCS, it takes a lot to do it well. You need to be sure you stay healthy, emotionally and physically, while still prioritizing the proper amount of studying. A study guide helps you give direction and structure and keep you focused where you need to stay focused.


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Should I Get a CSCS Study Guide? How to Get PT Certified

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