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Meet The 82-Year-Old Woman Who Works as a DJ at Night

For this 82-year-old woman, she's a DJ who shows everyone that the older you get, you’re not only wiser but you can be cooler than most adults.

Who said old age limits you from being cool? For this 82-year-old woman, she’s a DJ who shows everyone that the older you get, you’re not only wiser but you can be cooler than most adults.

Don’t be fooled by Sumiko Iwamuro’s dedication in helping her family. While she may be cooking dumplings with them in the morning, you may be surprised that she doesn’t relax at home as soon as the day ends. She still has the energy to take the stage in some of Japan’s hottest nightclubs!

She’s not even new at this! She’s been doing this for over 12 years already!

Source: AFP BB NEWS via Mashable

She started playing some beats when she was 70 years old, after her husband passed away. Sumiko learned how to do it by attending a music school doing DJ training. According to her, being a DJ and running a gyoza restaurant are the same. She said, “In both, results can be seen immediately. If the customer eats what you have made, it shows on his face if it is delicious; and if a DJ is good, everyone will dance happily.”

Sumiko describers her beats to be “fundamentally techno music with some jazz, French chanson, and classical influences.” Her set normally begins with the Astro Boy theme, a popular Japanese anime series.

Source: Short List

Fuminari Fujii, a 25-year-old clubber, said, “She’s got this energy that goes beyond age, and that can equal any young person’s here.”

Who knew an 82-year-old DJ could still capture the hearts of Japan’s club goers and eventually become an internet sensation? What do you think will you do when you’re in your 80’s?

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Meet The 82-Year-Old Woman Who Works as a DJ at Night

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