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What Is A Blue Light Scanner And How Is It So Accurate?

Not all scanners are created equal and blue light scanners have been some of the most accurate and precise scanners to date

There have been countless technological advances in the past several decades. Even in the last few years, there have been technological breakthroughs that most people did not expect to become a reality for many years to come.

The same is true of high-quality scanning onto your computer. Most scans now have the ability to scan a document and include all of the important information from your paper document. However, not all scanners are created equal, and blue light scanners are some of the most accurate and precise scanners to date.

Incredibly, blue-light scanners and white-light scanners can do more than just scan a document onto your computer. These scanners are capable of capturing millions of data points to create a precise image on your computer. Normally, these kinds of scanners are used in both the digitizing and metrology industries.

The main question is what’s different about these scanners that allows for them to be so powerful? We’ll delve into the possibilities below.

What Are The Different Kinds Of Scanners?

The main two scanners that will produce digital images on your computer are blue light and white light scanners.

What Is A Blue Light Scanner?

A blue light scanner allows for a high-resolution structured kind of scanning. It combines a projector, camera, and lens to let the system collect various data points.

The projector is necessary because it creates a pattern on the item being measured and scanned, and then the camera takes a picture of the pattern that the projector created on the item.

Together, the camera and the projector can judge the distance for how far the item is from them. With the pattern and the picture from the camera, the digital image is able to be created on a computer device.

What Is A White Light Scanner?

Like blue light scanners, white light scanners can be highly accurate. Unlike normal scanners, a white light scanner can be accurate within 0.0001 of an inch for measuring an object’s size or shape.

White light scanners tend to be best when scanners like sheet metal parts, tools, molded parts, or turbine blades.

What Are The Benefits Of A Blue Light Scanner

While both blue-light and white-light scanners are highly accurate tools, a blue-light scanner can have some advantages over a white-light scanner, depending on the situation.

The advantages of using a blue light scanner instead of a white light scanner is:

  • That a blue light scanner is more mobile
  • It possesses a light source that will last for a longer period of time
  • It’s ability to block out other light sources while scanning inside of a well-lit room
  • Uses less energy because of LED’s being utilized

Each of these items makes a blue light scanner the preferred tool depending on your business needs

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What Is A Blue Light Scanner And How Is It So Accurate?

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