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Will Samsung Launch the Flexible and Foldable Phone this Year?

Are we ready for a new generation of flip phones?

We predict that the failure of Note 7 will no longer dominate the news. Instead, the Samsung flexible display foldable phone might hit the headlines this year.

Don’t you just love a comeback kid. Gadgets that failed last year will soon rise up to the challenge and… Tadah! A new superhero smartphone is here!

A new generation of flip phones by Samsung Electronics Co. might just flourish in 2017, as insiders reveal through Bloomberg that the company is considering two new smartphone models with screens that bend.

Samsung Flexible Display Foldable Phone (Source: Samsung)

One of the new models will fold like a cosmetic compact, the unidentified people revealed. The other will have a 5-inch screen when used as a handset, but transforms to 8 inches, like a tablet, when unfurled.

Samsung Flexible Display Foldable Phone (Source: Samsung via Yüksel Şensoy)

Using organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), the two models are possible. Samsung is the biggest supplier of OLED panels for mobile products; and they are now finding a way to attract back its customers, during their earnings decline in the last two years. This is also a competitive move as Apple is also rumored to pack OLED screens in the future.

Samsung Flexible Display Foldable Phone (Source: Samsung)

An analyst at IBK Securities Co. in Seoul named Lee Seung Woo said, “This product could be a game-changer if Samsung successfully comes up with a user interface suitable for bendable screens. Next year is a probable scenario. Their biggest obstacle was related to making transparent plastics and making them durable, which seems resolved by now.”

The two new smartphone models may be given a sneak peek at the Mobile World Congress, February 2017.

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Will Samsung Launch the Flexible and Foldable Phone this Year?

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