Why Gay Engineers Make The Engineering Industry A Better Place

They’re here, they’re queer, and they mean business.

We’ve all been here for the movement to bring gender equality to STEM fields which are mainly dominated by men, especially in the field of engineering. It’s a great and noble feminist movement, hoping to provide equal opportunities and equal treatment to women all over the world who want to pursue engineering. However, how about the movement for sexual orientation equality? There doesn’t seem to be one, and what’s sad is that the LGBT community still faces discrimination and is treated differently in the field of STEM, again, especially in engineering.

Source: Giphy

Which is why we made 4 main reasons why gay engineers make the engineering industry a better place, in which we hope to debunk harmful stereotypes and prove that queer engineers are in fact beneficial to have in any school or workplace environment.

1)      They promote workplace diversity

Source: Giphy

A lot of times, when you go to an engineering school and workplace, all you see are the same kind of people of the same race and the same gender and the same orientation. Times are changing and now all organizations are striving towards diversity in every field. Having gay, lesbian, bi, and transgender classmates and coworkers are ways in which we can prove that we’re actively striving towards diversity. Plus, it gives us an opportunity to meet more new and interesting people who can change your entire perspective in life.

2)      They can prove the whole “Engineers are ugly and dull nerds” stereotype wrong

Source: Instagram, Keegan Whicker

I mean, just look at this stunning picture of Instagram model Keegan Whicker, who’s a gay Industrial engineer and is absolutely gorgeous. The fact that a lot of people from the LGBT community are more vain and pay more attention to their looks and style not only give us some good eye candy, but also prove that engineers aren’t dull and boring. They can be stylish and beautiful too!

3)      They spice up our sometimes boring and monotonous school and work lives

Source: Glee Wikia

Let’s face it, as engineers, we’re practically condemned to a boring and monotonous day-to-day routine at least 50% of our STEM-focused lives. It’s always study, pass, do more math, learn, study, and work. It gets tiring. Luckily, having a friend from the LGBT community in engineering will always somehow brighten up your day in literally any manner you can think of. Gay people are always looking for ways to spice up their day to day lives and drag everyone around them along with them, so whether it be making hilarious jokes, hosting a party night, making games out of lectures, or beginning an interesting conversation, they’re bound to amuse you one way or another.

4)      They make parties 10x better

Source: Tumblr

After a hard night of finals week or a demanding project at work, engineers will go from intelligent innovator to party boys and girls in 0.2 seconds. And you know what’s better than an engineering party? An engineering party hosted by queer folk! They take no BS and make your party extra wild and crazy, from atrocious yet interesting games to hilarious drinking games that can surely make it a night to remember.

Source: Autostraddle

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Why Gay Engineers Make The Engineering Industry A Better Place

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