Interview Questions To Ask To Find Out If An Engineer Is A Keeper

Asking the right questions in an interview is crucial. The questions will help you find out if the engineer in front of you is a keeper or not.

It’s hard to find someone who is perfect for the job and gets the work done efficiently. In job interviews, even if we ask the right questions, we often get answers that were prepared for and recited by applicants over and over again. We just want to find the perfect person qualified to do the job and keep him/her but it’s hard to achieve.

In less than an hour, we can only do so much to find out who the person really is. Sometimes, we even focus on their technical abilities only. But truth be told, we also have to know more about a person’s soft skills and emotional intelligence because these matters will help us figure out how the engineer will be once he/she holds a leadership position in the company.

Source: Giphy

Asking the right questions in an interview is crucial. The questions below will help you find out if the engineer in front of you is a keeper or not.

  • What would you do if you could start your career all over again? Would you do it differently?
  • Describe the best boss you’ve ever had. Why?
  • What is the worst boss for you?
  • What was the biggest lesson you learned from the biggest failure you’ve encountered?
  • What do you think this role you’re applying for is about and why does it matter in this company?
  • What value can you bring to this organization?
  • What’s the best feedback you have ever been given, and why?
  • What’s the worst feedback you have even been given, why, and how did you handle it?
  • What qualities in your co-workers bother you most?
  • What qualities in your co-workers do you appreciate most?
  • How do you inform someone at work that their performance doesn’t meet the company’s standards?
  • What three things would you like to know about your boss right now?
  • Tell me about a work incident in which you were totally honest, despite a potential risk or downside for yourself.
  • If you had $1,000,000 to start your own business, what kind of business would you start?
  • We asked your previous bosses what they liked and disliked the most about you, what do you think they said?
  • What kind of challenges would you not want to be involved in?
  • What do you regret the most in life?
  • What subject would you like to retake in college?
  • What would your partner say about you?
  • If you won the lottery, how would you spend the money?
  • In less than 5 minutes, please explain something to me that is complex, but you know and understand very well?
  • What is something you’d be happy doing every single day for the rest of your career?
  • What does accountability mean to you?
  • What’s the biggest decision you have ever had to make, and how did you go about making it?
  • Tell me about a project where you did more with less, and how you achieved it?
  • If you were asked to do something that was impossible, how would you handle that?
  • What is your biggest fear in life?
  • Tell me about a time you had to let an employee go? How did you handle that process, and did it go smoothly?
  • Is it better to be perfect and a little bit late, or ok and on time?
  • What have you done professionally that you succeeded at, but isn’t an experience you’d want to repeat?
  • How do you handle it when co-workers or your team challenge your decisions?
  • In 2 years time, what achievements of yours are we celebrating?
  • Describe a time when an employee was underperforming, how did you handle that situation.
  • What questions about the job or company would you like answered?
  • Describe a time when you were asked to do something you weren’t trained or experienced to do. How did you handle it?
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Source: Giphy

Article Source:

Inc. Southeast Asia


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Interview Questions To Ask To Find Out If An Engineer Is A Keeper

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