An Engineer’s Guide To Mastering Any New Skill

Everyone is capable of being a master of something, all that is needed is time and a lot of patience.

Everyone knows how enjoyable it is to watch someone do what they’re good at. It’s inspiring, motivating and makes you want to find what skill of yours are you capable of mastering as well. Whether you’re an engineer, technician, doctor, entrepreneur or writer, there will always be room for you to become a master in what you do.

Source: MAPS business training

Here are some steps on how you can bring out your best in your field, and walk the path of mastery.

#1 Be Patient

Source: Twitter

This may be the most basic advice you will hear, but it is the most important. Remember the saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. Mastery of any skill will take time and lots of it. That’s why patience comes hand in hand with mastery.

#2 Shift your mindset

Source: Growth Hattie

The way you see things is one of the factors that determines whether you are going to succeed or fail in doing something. It’s neither talent nor intelligence, but your mindset. There are a lot of people who believe that their current abilities are static, and don’t change. Instead of having this kind of mindset, shift it to believing that our skills and abilities are dynamic, and can be improved and developed.

#3 Learn and experiment

The best way to start mastering a certain skill is to open your mind to learning new things. Experiment and find what works better. This way, you will not only be gaining more experience, you are also constantly learning and finding out what works for you. This will lead you to more doors of opportunity to open and grab and lead you to the path of mastery.

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#4 Continue the journey

They say that practice makes perfect. So go ahead and keep going. Make your learning a daily routine until you can say for yourself that you are a master at a certain task. Excellence is not an act, it is a habit.


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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

An Engineer’s Guide To Mastering Any New Skill

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