An Engineer’s Guide to Becoming a Quick Learner

Picking up on things quicker than other people is not really a ‘gift’. Simple practices allows young engineers to be quick learners themselves.

People often think that being a quick learner is not something everyone can do. Do you often wonder how some people learn quicker than others? What practices do they do to absorb information quickly? If you’ve asked these questions before, you’re in for a surprise. With these strategies and processes, almost everyone can acquire a knack for learning things faster. Here are some ways on how you can improve your speed of learning.

You have to learn how to fail

Source: Tenor

If you want to develop a skill or to learn something new, you have to be prepared for everything. Failure is a step that’s bound to be inevitable, especially to people who are just starting out. You don’t get good at one things by just being successful all the time. Newbies become experts through constant practice, and constant practice means undergoing multiple failures. Quick learners are people who are the first to fall and the first ones to try again. They don’t wallow on failure, they accept it.

Practice makes perfect

Source: Giphy

You’ve thought of it before and you might still think it today — people who “pick up” faster are generally “smarter”. Well, that’s not completely true. In some cases, people who perform better may have practiced more. In order to learn efficiently, you have to put time and effort in. The more practice you put, the better results you’ll get.

Try out some memory tricks

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Source: Giphy

You don’t need a high IQ to be able to memorize certain things. There are numerous mnemonic devices that you can use to remember things easier. This removes the creepiness of having to sit in a corner murmuring something to yourself repeatedly. For example, if you’re trying to remember which months have a 31st, line your knuckles together and count your knuckles and the spaces in between from left to right. All the months that line on a knuckle have a 31st while those that land in between only have 30 or less days.

Make it a habit

Source: The Curious Raven

Rome didn’t get built in a day, and learning also doesn’t get done in a day. If you do things constantly you’ll find it easier to absorb anything related to it faster. Writing on a daily basis helps keep your brain active, allowing it to retain information faster. This also applies to things like learning an instrument or a sport. If you continuously do it and set your mind to it, you’ll learn different principles such as patience, discipline, and other things that would help you grow.

Find yourself a good mentor

Source: BookMyShow

The quickest way to learning things quickly is to have someone each you. Learning from someone who knows what they’re talking about is the best way to speed up your growth. They’ll be able to tell you about their experiences, how they overcame hurdles, and why they had to do specific things to tackle those hurdles. They’ve seen it, all you’ll have to do is listen, and listen well.

Read more  Engineers, You Need to Find Your Own Mentor at Work



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An Engineer’s Guide to Becoming a Quick Learner

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