How Engineers Can Deal With An Angry Boss

At the end of the day, your boss has the upper hand and he always has a say about your future with the company.

When it comes to working for a boss, you’re either lucky to have a patient mentor or unfortunate to deal with someone who doesn’t know how to lead you and your team. But if there’s one thing in common between the two, it’s the occasional scolding you get when they get angry. Either you created a mistake or someone else in the team did, an angry boss is not the person you don’t want to talk to. But you still have to. At the end of the day, your boss has the upper hand and he always has a say about your future with the company.

So how do you deal with an angry boss?


Observe whether your boss is in a good or foul mood. You’ll know judging by the way he looks or the way he moves. Check if he is irritable at the moment. Let him know that you are aware of his mood.


While we may be tempted to cover our ears, roll our eyes or just walk out of the room, we still have to deal with our boss confronting us. Instead of defending yourself, it would be best if you just listen to what he has to say first before saying anything. Understand why he is frustrated so you’ll know what to avoid next time.


If you’ve made a mistake which made him angry, it is best to apologize to him immediately. Even if you think you can defend yourself, lower your pride and say sorry. This helps lighten your boss’ mood and the mood of the room in general.


After you say sorry, ask your boss how you can make things better. Suggest a couple of solutions to the problem to help him and the team solve it.


Once you’ve apologized and come up with a solution to a problem, repeat what you have discussed so he knows that you took the problem seriously and you’ll be working on solving it as soon as possible.

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How Engineers Can Deal With An Angry Boss

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