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Straightforward Customer Bookings with the help of a Cloud-based ERP solution

Tracking time, booking assets is key in succeeding with your construction projects

Time is of the essence, no matter what type of business you are running or which industry you are in. We lose time daily on old-school interfaces, bad management, paperwork, and bureaucracy; the list has no end. You can get rid of some of these or work around them, but saving time is still crucial nowadays so you can focus your full and undivided attention on tasks that matter. Maximizing your time and how you spend it is key to improving the efficiency of your business. One such way to maximize time is by managing your bookings.

Choosing the Construction ERP solution for your business

Choosing construction management software tailored to your company can expand your team’s efficiency in many ways. Whether you are looking for a specific tool for General Contractors’ management software or a next-generation cloud-based ERP that would manage your company in its entirety, the solution you choose should certainly help you save time and money.

Having your Schedule of Works up to date allows you to manage the aspects of your business in one place. You will know when a certain employee is working on a specific project or on a specific task. You will know how much they cost you and when they finish the task. All costs will be automatically deducted from the Project budget. Things may seem hard to predict, but with your experience and good software, things will come as easy as pie!

Efficient Booking Procedures

General Contractor Management Software enables you to optimize how your employees work—their scheduled tasks and availability. In this way, you will be able to optimize the way you assign your resources to the projects that you have. The best software available on the market helps satisfy the client by helping your team make the correct decisions when booking your resources. By professionally booking your employees, you will be able to deliver the project on time, managing your clients’ time this way. They will see that you respect them and your employees by avoiding double booking or overworking your team.

The software of your choice should help you manage your employees properly and your other assets—machinery included. You should be able to book a person to use a certain machine for a certain task and ensure that the system notifies you if you overbook any of your assets—machine or human.

Scheduling Module

With the support of a cloud-based construction ERP solution, you should be able to create meetings, set up time off, and set up holidays (regular ones but also maternity/paternity leaves and sick leaves – for yourself and the team). Creating Project Tasks for your team and connecting assets to them will be a few clicks away! You will first search for the person (the Asset) that should do the task, assign the appropriate vehicle/machinery/equipment, add the budget for the task, place notes (if need be), and… voila! You are ready to go. The cloud-based ERP system will also notify you in case of overbooking – making, yet again, your work (and life) easier.

TimeSheet Tracking and Management

Pulling up reports for a single person or for the entire team will be as easy as pie! With the help of the new solution, you will be able to clock in/out, track, and edit all data related to your employees. You can make sure the report for HR/Payroll has the latest data from the system (and you!) and will have one location where all the info will be stored – not a dozen Excel files and hand-made lists. Goodbye, paperwork – Hello, Future!

To Sum up

Tracking time and booking assets are key to succeeding with your projects. You need to know where your resources are at any given moment. Overbooking them can be dangerous for the project’s future and the company. Choosing UK-based construction software that will allow you to check up on them at any time and place will ease your worries. Make your bookings as straightforward as possible, and by that, you will manage to make your client’s experience smoother and more pleasant.


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Straightforward Customer Bookings with the help of a Cloud-based ERP solution

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