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One for One: Why Engineers Must Buy TOMS Product to Help the Less-Fortunate

Called One for One, the promise is to provide for a person in need with every product purchased at TOMS. Have you bought yours?

Toms Shoes (TOMS) is best-known as a company which produces a variety of quality footwear for men, women, and kids. People from around the world wear the brand to have comfortable and stylish shoes, among the many products they manufacture. But little do the patrons know that this California-based shoe store has a philanthropic cause – and they are part of it. Called One for One, the promise is to provide for a person in need with every product purchased at TOMS. Other than shoes, the gifts provided by the company for the less-fortunate communities include sight, water, safe birth and bullying prevention services.

The Gift of Shoes

Source: TOMS One for One

Since the company started operations in 2006, TOMS has given more than 60 million pairs of new shoes to children in need under the One for One program. They have provided different styles of shoes from the classic slip-on, wet-weather slip-on, to sports shoe which fit kids, toddlers and teens. This has allowed the recipient to have improved health, confidence, and more importantly access to education.

The Gift of Sight

Source: TOMS One for One

Kids with eye problems are helped by TOMS whenever the company’s eyewear is bought. They are given with full eye exam by trained medical professionals and receive the necessary treatment. Common vision issues that they attend to are prescription glasses, sight-saving surgery, and medical treatment. So far, TOMS has helped restore sight to over 400,000 people in need.

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The Gift of Water

Source: TOMS One for One

TOMS takes part in solving the global water problem which affects more than 780 million people in the world. The company works with water experts at Giving Partners to create sustainable water systems in seven countries. Through the collaboration, they provide 140 liters of safe water, which lasts for a week, to persons in need for each bag of TOMS Roasting Co. Coffee purchased. Over 335,000 weeks of safe water have already been given out.

The Gift of Safe Birth

Source: TOMS One for One

By providing clean birth conditions and skilled attendants, nearly half a million of lives can be saved. This is what TOMS aims to do with their gift of safe birth, thanks for every purchase of TOMS bags. Safe birth services by TOMS, which include delivery of safe birth kits, training for skilled birth attendants, and healthy delivery for newborn baby, have already supported over 25,000 mothers all over the world.

The Gift of Kindness

Source: TOMS One for One 

One-third of the students in the United States aged 12 to 18 reports being bullied. TOMS believes that nobody ever deserves to be oppressed or burdened, this is why they are holding bullying prevention and response programs. It includes training school communities to create bully-free campuses and making it easy for students to report bullying and get the help they need. With the proper prevention and response techniques readily available to students, we can help reduce up to 90% of incidents of bullying.

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Christmas is right around the corner. People are sharing a piece of themselves to others by giving gifts.

For TOMS, you can do this even not in December – they only need you buy their products and they will do the job of helping the less fortunate.

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One for One: Why Engineers Must Buy TOMS Product to Help the Less-Fortunate

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