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Perks of Being Single in Engineering School

“Do you prefer being in a relationship during engineering school, or do you prefer staying single?”

“Do you prefer being in a relationship during engineering school, or do you prefer staying single?” I conducted a short informal survey in the university I attended, and asked engineering students this question. 75 percent of them answered they preferred being single, and they had their own reasons for it. I combined their reasons and came up with a short summary.

Here are some of the perks of being single in engineering school:

You have more time to focus on studying

Source: Giphy

Engineering school is no joke, and passing all those subjects is the number one priority. Being single can help you focus on your studies more. With no one interrupting you with constant text messages, or hour-long Skype calls, you’ll be able to focus on that Microcontroller exam you have the next day. If you aren’t that good with time management, then being single may be a good option for you while still in engineering school.

No one will be jealous of you hanging out with a lot of guys/girls.

Source: Tumblr

Being single makes you guilt-free from hanging out with all the guys and girls in engineering school. This is especially true for female engineering students. “My [non-engineering] boyfriend feels a bit uneasy with all the engineering guys in my classes” one of the students I surveyed told me.

You don’t have to worry about monthsaries

Source: Tumblr

With all the project deadlines, quizzes, and exams that fill up your calendar, sometimes you forget a lot of other things. This includes birthdays (sometimes even your own), holidays, and if you’re in a relationship—monthsaries/anniversaries. What happens when you do forget?—misunderstandings that could lead to a fight. Being single avoids all this and saves you from all the stress.

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Your crowd of people will increase

Source: Tumblr

Being single gives you access to meet and greet more people. Your group of friends will increase and you’ll be free to get to know a lot of people better.

You can throw your time in any organization/club you want

Source: The Odyssey Online

Being single means more free time, and if you’re not studying you could use your time in other useful organizations/clubs that you know you’ll enjoy.

Your independence will be stronger

Source: Giphy

Being single strengthens your independence more. It could be a bit lonely, but it will teach you to love yourself more and stand firm against all odds. Independence can help you in your future career as well, it’s one of the core traits that every professional engineer needs.

You’ll learn more about yourself

Source: Tumblr

In the process of being single, you’ll be able to focus on yourself instead of another person. You’ll learn about your strengths and weaknesses and you’ll learn to love yourself more. After all, college is the time where you begin to find out who you really are.

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

Perks of Being Single in Engineering School

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