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You Can Now Chat With Einstein on Facebook Messenger

This messenger bot allows you to chat with one of the world’s greatest minds

Ever wanted to chat with one of the world’s most intelligent minds? Well, as a way to promote national Geographic’s new show on the life of Einstein “Genius”, you can now chat with him via a bot on Facebook Messenger.

Source: National Geographic

One of our biggest tendencies to do when chatting with messenger bots is to mess with them and send them ridiculous questions and request an AI can’t possibly decipher. However, Genius bot wants none of your nonsense (and none of your memes). He’s up for a pretty casual yet serious conversation.

Source: YouTube, Tech ka fever

The bot will touch on any subject that the real Einstein likes, such as, well, physics, relativity, space, and time, but you’ll be glad to know that he doesn’t always stick to scientific conversations. Say the right things and you might get him to talk about his lovers.

Once you touch on the subject though, he’ll eventually show that over all his other love stories and affairs, his deepest and most pure love is music, as the real life Einstein is also a musician, with his favorite instrument being the violin. “A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?” is a quote that he’s often associated with saying.

Source: National Geographic

Once you sign off, Genius bot will kindly bid his goodbyes with a final “Ah… There is still much we can discuss, but for now I have research to attend to.” Though when you’re chatting with the man who revolutionized today’s theory of relativity, I doubt that the nerd inside you would want to end the conversation.

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If you’re interested with having a nice conversation with Genius-bot, just search for “Natgeogenius” on your Facebook Messenger.

The bot would also remind you to watch Nat Geo’s Genius, which premiered on April 25 and airs new episodes every Tuesday at 9pm Eastern Standard Time/ 8pm Central Standard Time.

Article Sources:

National Geographic

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You Can Now Chat With Einstein on Facebook Messenger

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