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10 Things Professional Engineers Must Give Up To Be Successful

To be a successful young engineer in your chosen career, you must give up things that may be hindering your growth as a professional.

We all want to be successful professional engineers in our chosen field. Who doesn’t? The road to success is never a straight line, there will be may struggles and challenges you have to face before getting there. The first step towards this goal is to give up a lot of things that may be hindering you from being the awesome successful engineer that you could become—and it all starts with re-evaluating oneself.

Professional engineers, read carefully:

#1 Letting others’ opinion control your life

Don’t let others opinion control your life. It’s what you think about yourself that matters. Listen to what they say, but don’t let what they say define who you are. You have the power to improve yourself and change for the better.

#2 Being shameful of past failures

Failures are nothing to be ashamed of. Failures help you grow and learn from past mistakes. These are battle wounds that helped you become the stronger person you are today.

#3 Being indecisive

This is a skill that you have to hone. You have to understand that if you don’t decide, you will never leave or move on to the next stage. Learning the skill of being decisive is important.

#4 Procrastinating on important goals

Most engineers are known for last minute successes, but procrastinating for important goals isn’t right. There are goals in life that one must plan and take action for. Every engineer must learn how to plan, take action, and make allowances for minor setbacks for important goals. Remember a great tree cannot be fully-grown in a day.

#5 Choosing to do nothing

When you choose to do nothing, you close the door to different possibilities. Choosing to do nothing gets you nowhere, and you actually always LOSE. You lose the chance for an awesome opportunity, and you lose the chance to learn.

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#6 Your need to be right

An ego too large is a big no-no. Sometimes it’s best to give up being right to learn new things and understand different sides of the story. Who knows, you might learn a thing or two.

#7 Running away from problems

Stop running and face problems head on. Fix the problem, communicate, forgive, and learn,

#8 Making excuses

Many people fail in life because instead of deciding or solving a problem, they make excuses.

#9 Overlooking positive points in your life

Be thankful for what you have in your life right now and spread the positive vibes to other people. Professional engineers: show the love!

#10 Not appreciating the present

Sometimes we work too hard that we forget the present. Take time to appreciate everything around you because the little things are sometimes the things that matters most

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

10 Things Professional Engineers Must Give Up To Be Successful

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