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13 Things that Only Engineers Will Ever Understand

The moments of glory and upset are here. These are the things that only engineers will understand.

Engineers, do you agree? (Image source: Giphy)

Only engineers can comprehend this… agree?

Studying engineering is a lot like a rollercoaster ride – it starts steady, proceeds with the thrill of the highs and lows, the surprise of twists and turns, and ends with a sense of accomplishment. Sometime along the way, it makes you sick. Using the same metaphor, we can get this conclusion: once you just stay on track, hold on and move along – regardless of what happens after taking on the ride – you will certainly get to the end. The experiences throughout are worth remembering.

If you are an engineering student or already an engineer, you will surely relate to these moments during that rollercoaster ride:

When you hear your non-engineering friends how they are having a hard time with their course, without realizing that you are an engineering student and you experience far worse things

Your first quiz in engineering where you thought lazy studying will still work just like in high school

 Source: Imgur
Source: Imgur (Only Engineers Will Ever Understand)

That time when you pulled all-nighters the entire week for all of your requirements and the professor noticed you are sleeping in his lecture

 Source: Imgur
Source: Imgur (Only Engineers Will Ever Understand)

And that time when the week is unusually vacant because of university events and your professors have to attend them but you are not required to

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy (Only Engineers Will Ever Understand)

Thinking of those days when maths are relatively much easier than later years

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy (Only Engineers Will Ever Understand)

Noticing that the attendance in your class is fading as the semester goes by

 Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy (Only Engineers Will Ever Understand)

When you turn in your testpaper ahead of everyone else because you know nothing about the items, and yet you brag about it

Source: Metro UK
Source: Metro UK (Only Engineers Will Ever Understand)

Feeling smart and nerdy whenever you understand a math or engineering joke

 Source: Reaction GIFs
Source: Reaction GIFs (Only Engineers Will Ever Understand)

When you rushed a project hours before submission only to find out your teacher moved the deadline

 Source: Tumblr
Source: Tumblr (Only Engineers Will Ever Understand)

Hearing somebody say they loved the lesson and you have no idea about it despite attending the same lecture

 Source: Tumblr
Source: Tumblr (Only Engineers Will Ever Understand)

When the smartest person in class said he only got a 95, when you have 50 and already happy with it

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy (Only Engineers Will Ever Understand)

That moment you and your seatmate were caught cheating on a test

Source: Tumblr
Source: Tumblr

People too often think you know a lot about math and science, but really you are just studying engineering

 Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy
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Engr. Amy Aguirre
Civil Engineer, fashion model & GineersNow TV host. Speaks Spanish, English and Portuguese fluently. Based in Melbourne and Manila. Follow me on Linkedin

13 Things that Only Engineers Will Ever Understand

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