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4 Things That Engineering Bosses Want to Tell You But Won’t Say

Your engineering manager will not spoon-feed you all the stuff you need to know. There will be times that you will need to figure them out on your own.

When you are an engineer who is new to the field, you are most likely to work for a boss in a company. He or she will give you commands, guide you on how to do your work, and share some advice that could help you in your 8-to-5 job.

But your engineering manager will not spoon-feed you all the stuff you need to know. There will be times that you will need to figure them out on your own, and your boss will refuse to say it on your face.

Here are 4 things that could help you on your engineering job but your boss will never tell you:

Ask questions

It’s a common newbie mistake to be afraid to ask questions. Don’t be. Bosses actually appreciate engineers who do not hold back when it comes to reaching out to others. Inquiry doesn’t make you vulnerable, it only says that you are paying attention, avoiding confusion, and thinking critically.

Invest in relationships

This include every single one of your co-workers not only engineers and your boss but also the janitor and the security guard. Having quality work relationships tend to enhance work productivity, efficiency, engagement, and communications. This is critical especially when engineers work with different departments in various levels of the company.

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Use those vacation days

Only good engineering managers actually promote this one, so be careful about this advice. Nonetheless, engineering managers also want you to maintain a work-life balance. They want you to take vacation leaves to take a break. They understand that doing so avoids work burnout.

Plan beyond your next paycheck

Your boss is also concerned about how you handle your money. This is one of the great sources of stress of which affects the quality of work of engineers. Engineering managers want its employees to have a financial security, so better develop smart habits early on and maximize your options.

Source: Glassdoor

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4 Things That Engineering Bosses Want to Tell You But Won’t Say

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