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8 Important Tips to Design a Testing Laboratory

Testing Laboratory Design Tips

There is no doubt that making a testing laboratory is one of the toughest jobs because its overall design requires a careful approach. Patients do not like to visit laboratories that are designed well or where they do not get quality services.

So, when you plan to make a new laboratory for DNA and other testing, make sure to follow the law because regulatory authorities often visit such places for checking cleanliness, equipment, and other details.

It is important to consult with experts as they can suggest better ideas and you’ll be able to get things done on time. Here, in this blog, we have discussed important tips for designing the laboratory.

Let’s explore the details:

laboratory microscope in a pharmaceutical company

Plan for Storage Space

It is important to create storage space in the laboratory, as you may need to keep reports and other stuff there. Sometimes, laboratory management prefers to keep important tools and equipment in locked storage spaces.

So, when you design the layout, make sure to plan for storage; otherwise, you will have problems finding storage space in the testing laboratory. Storage can be of any type, as you can make cabinets, drawers, or other storage places depending on your needs.

Prioritize Safety

Safety is important because testing laboratory data is the most valuable thing. If you transfer data electronically, ensure it is backed up with blockchain because the safety of data is crucial. You should prioritize safety over other things as otherwise, you may face severe consequences due to the leakage of important information.

Try to ensure segregation of duties because important data may leak out if you hand over major roles to a single person. Apart from electronic safety, the security of premises is also important. For this purpose, you should appoint security guards who can protect you from theft and robbery. Make sure to hire experienced guards who can perform their jobs well.

Evaluate Needs

You should evaluate the needs of a laboratory because if it is not very spacious, you may need to utilize the space very carefully. You should design each corner of the testing laboratory carefully enough that it not only looks good but also serves its purpose.

You can consult with an expert interior designer in this regard, but only with one who has previous experience designing laboratories. If you are good to go with a single floor, there is no need to invest money in making another floor. In short, you should finalize things after evaluating the space’s needs.

Bring Best Equipment

The overall ambiance of a laboratory is of no use if it does not have quality equipment. It would be best to purchase a non-contact plate washer and liquid dispenser because quality is important. Whenever you plan to buy machinery for the laboratory, make sure to compromise on quality. It will be good if you choose machinery with advanced options. Advanced machinery will let you get the best results with high accuracy, so make sure to compromise on such things.


It is important to collaborate with a team because coordination can make things easier. It would be best if you planned everything with the help of industry experts who can suggest better ideas. From engineering to the installation of machinery, everything should be done carefully. If you avoid collaboration, things can prove tough to handle because a single person cannot handle large projects on his own.

You may need to seek permission from regulatory authorities regarding the inauguration of the testing laboratory, and approval may require paperwork. So, collaboration is crucial because it will make the procedure easy for you.

Adequate Lighting is Important

Every laboratory should have adequate lighting and a strong electricity backup plan. You can choose lights according to the place’s needs, as stylish lights are in trend these days. You can choose wall-hung and ceiling lights to create a wonderful aura.

Sufficient lighting is crucial for a perfect ambiance. When you design the place, make sure that the lights are energy-efficient, as cost savings are also important. Try not to compromise on the lighting because testing laboratory work requires focusing on small things.

Air Conditioning is Crucial

Air conditioning is crucial in a laboratory as, without it, the environment will not prove comfortable for patients. Lab workers also prefer to work in a safe and healthy environment so you should not compromise on both the heating system and air conditioning.

Do not Compromise on Cleanliness

Cleanliness is important because, without it, you cannot ensure a perfect hygiene level. All surfaces should be cleaned perfectly, and you should instruct cleaning staff to use germ-killing liquids to remove bacteria from the floor and other surfaces. In short, these are a few suggestions that are important to consider while designing a testing laboratory.

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8 Important Tips to Design a Testing Laboratory

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