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Art Director Creates Amazing Micro Structures Inside Test Tubes

The detail on these test tube art micro structures is astounding!

Micro structures

They say big things come in small packages. With Amsterdam-based art director Rosa de Jong’s masterpieces, then this statement holds most definitely true! De Jong creates her own micro structures or miniature worlds in her studio Micro Matter, by constructing intricately detailed landscapes inside test tubes!

Her amazingly designed landscapes looks as they were floating in mid-air, defying gravity. Her Instagram, byrosa showcases most of her “levitating” sculptures, and a lot of people are appreciating her work. Her various artworks range from small miniature houses to a miniature tall skyscraper piercing through clouds. Some of her works also have houses that are lit up by LED’s to give it a realistic feel. She uses recycled cardboard, twigs, and moss; and as for her tools, she uses tweezers, a ruler, toothpicks, a knife and glue.

It’s astounding to see what simple tools and a whole lot of creativity can do. You can definitely see that a lot of patience, creativity, and dedication was put into her works of art. Here are some of her artworks.

Micro structures (Source: Popular Mechanics)

Micro structures (Source: This is Colossal)

Micro structures (Source: Behance)

Micro structures (Source: Creative Boom)

Micro structures (Source: The Awesomer)

Micro structures (Source: Globo)

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Art Director Creates Amazing Micro Structures Inside Test Tubes

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