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Coronavirus Impact in Renewable Energy Industry

The biggest increase in energy performance during lockdown is solar energy

Coronavirus Impact


Coronavirus Impact has been negatively impacting almost all industries and businesses imaginable. Those deemed non-essential by the government are temporarily halted and while this is a justified reason for closing the industry or business down for the time being, even a single day of not operating has dire effects to the owners and the economy of a country as a whole.

Coronavirus Impact: Essential Energy

Coronavirus impact, truly, no industry or area is safe from the government mandate. Luckily, one industry is deemed essential by the leaders of the world. That is the energy and power industry, as without them, we  would be living in a figuratively and literally darker world.

The power industry is the sole industry that working from home is possible, a lot of people can still function despite being in a homestay predicament (with technology for entertainment and education, working appliances for nutrition, water supply for basic hygiene needs, and much, much more).

Coronavirus Impact: Utility Must Continue

Alongside the water industry, the energy and power industry works tirelessly amidst risk of infection and danger to continuously supply power to the cities and regions of the world.

While electricity, thermal, hydropower, nuclear, and wind power are all important in their own right, the only one with an increase in performance is that of solar energy. This is due in major part to the sun not necessitating any fuel of any kind, as whatever happens, it is constantly burning brightly overhead. All solar energy producers need to do is to harness and absorb that energy and make it available to the populace.

So with that in mind, and with no set date for the end of this global lockdown, individuals ought to invest in solar power while workers from the other energy industries must immediately look for the latest technologies that would help perform better.

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Robert Bagatsing
Managing Editor and Founder of GineersNow based in Dubai and Manila. Survived marketing at Harvard, Management at AIM and proud Bedan.

Coronavirus Impact in Renewable Energy Industry

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