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Camp Out Under The Stars Using This Magnificent Oasis Dome

Would you like to gaze at the stars all night without leaving a place of comfort?

The Oasis

Look at the stars at night in this amazing dome tent designed by Lithuanian designer and kite-surfing enthusiast Vytautas Puzeras. It’s called the Oasis – a place where you can connect with nature while protecting yourself from the harsh winds outside. Imagine having a breathtaking clear view of your surroundings in 360 degrees. Isn’t that awesome?

Puzeras was inspired by the thought of having a more comfortable place to rest in than the traditional tents, where he feels he is living uncomfortably in a box. Traditional tents make him feel detached from nature after spending time inside it.

He is also working on improving the design of the dome tent. He plans to have solar panels installed into it so that people can charge their gadgets conveniently.

The Oasis is big enough to accommodate six people. This dome tent is also tall enough for its occupants to stand in. Travelers can even store their things inside with no problem – may it be beddings, kitchenware, sailboards, kites, bikes and even refrigerators.

Source: House Beautiful

It’s definitely a home away from home for wild travelers.

To install the dome tent, you can finish it in five hours. You might need a friend to help you though. As soon as you’re ready to go home, you can just pack it all up in just four hours. It packs up to a length of 2.5 meters, a height of 0.45 meters and a width of 0.8 meters.

However, if you’re not a fan of the outdoors, you can still use the Oasis as an extra space for your home. You can use it as a retreat space, a yoga room, a studio, a place where you can take your partner out on a date or even a guest room.

As of the moment, only one model has been created. Puzeras is currently testing the dome tent’s durability in different locations. There’s no price tag for it yet but it’ll soon be ready for purchase.

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Suad Alkhoury

Suad Alkhoury Speaks French, Arabic and English fluently. TV Host at GineersNow TV. Social media geek. Based in Dubai & Beirut. Follow me on Linkedin

Camp Out Under The Stars Using This Magnificent Oasis Dome

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