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Chemical Engineer Turned Painter

Charles Rowland at 30, shifted his path from Chemical Engineering to Watercolor Painting.

Charles Rowland, Chemical Engineer Turned Renowned Painter (Source: This Week News)

Engineer Turned Painter… a renowned painter.

Charles Rowland studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Cincinnati, but his calling has always been art. He wanted to be a cartoonist, but he didn’t have sufficient finances to go to art school. So, through a special work-study program, he was able to pay his way through college and studied Chemical Engineering.

Charles Rowland, Chemical Engineer Turned Painter (Source: Fine Art America

When he was 30, he took up watercolours.

Will working at an engineering and consulting company, he travelled internationally and took lots of pictures and painted them. He took a few workshops and some personal instruction but, Rowland says he’s self-taught. He is also a teacher.

Charles Rowland, Chemical Engineer Turned Painter (Source: Fine Art America)

“I tell my students, ‘Paint a lot, make a lot of mistakes and try not to make the same ones three or four times,’ ” said Rowland.

Rowland is now 77 and retired. According to him, his background helps him with symmetry and spatial design.

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Chemical Engineer Turned Painter

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