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Choosing the Right Features for a Website

Having a clear business description can help users who stumble across the website to know what you offer

You can become overwhelmed if you plan to embark on a website project. There are many things to consider when aiming to make the business unique. However, having a plan can help you design and develop a unique website. Below are the best features to consider for your new website.

Call to Action

Having a website is great, but you need to provide the best services to people. One way to ensure your audience is happy is by providing a call to action. This helps you easily convert new visitors into purchases or leads. It also ensures you know how to lead your visitors to your webpage.

Creating a unique call to action can appease most of your visitors. You can create a contact form or even a newsletter where your visitors can stay updated with your content. Therefore, the call to action (CTA) should be everything you want your visitors to do. Remember to tell them through a well-crafted CTA.

Easy to Remember URL

If you are new to the business and don’t have a website, you might be excited to get a website running as soon as possible. However, conducting research and taking a calculated approach when picking a URL is advisable. Take time to assess your business goals and ensure that you pick a memorable URL.

When choosing a memorable URL, you need something simple. That’s because it’ll be easy to market and easy for most users to remember. Furthermore, a simple URL can be easily typed into the address bar. A good rule of thumb is to stick with .org and .com addresses when possible. These addresses are considered more credible by search engines and users.

Responsive and Mobile Friendly Design

Nowadays, people rely on their mobile phones and tablets to access the internet. Therefore, you must design a website that is ideal for such users. This design ought to have simple-to-read content and good-quality pictures for anyone on the phone. Furthermore, this makes it easy to consume content from your website.

Making the design and responsiveness of the website a priority means that you get to offer the best customer service. Besides, you can cater to the needs of both desktop and mobile visitors. As a bonus, this can be a feature that can make your website rank higher. Work on the design to ensure that it works on all devices.

Clear Business Description

Having a clear business description can help users who stumble across the website understand what you offer. It also provides an excellent first impression and clearly communicates what you are offering within your business. Take an example of an online casino in NZ. You will find all the bonuses and games on the homepage, which makes it easier to understand everything that the casino has to offer.

Therefore, you ought to ensure that the homepage has all the important information. This will include the mission and vision statement. More so, this can help summarize everything that your business does. With this, your audience can easily understand what products and services your business has to offer.

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Choosing the Right Features for a Website

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