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People Who Can Easily Build Their Own Website Without Coding

Why website-building isn’t just for coders anymore

Building a website without coding is now possible.

We can’t deny the time when website design was solely dependent on the skills of a coder. The more experienced and learned a coder was, the more beautiful the design and the more enjoyable the user experience. There was even a time when we had to learn code ourselves because if we didn’t, how else would people know what songs we listened to on Myspace and Friendster? But in all seriousness, learning how to code was, by far, a skill learned from peer pressure and necessity, not a personal desire.

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That being said, thanks to several cloud-based website-building platforms such as, we can make amazing websites with a UX that is smooth, clear, and enjoyable, which is a blessing from the sky. This blessing is now very much real, accessible, and free.

These website builders offer various advantages for people from different walks of life with equally different needs and objectives. So, suppose you’re any of the people below but know absolutely nothing about coding. In that case, making a website on your own with a website-building platform is a wise decision.

Business owners

Having a website is a surefire way for your business to keep up with the growing trend of digitization. It is essential for growth, increasing public awareness, and ultimately, becoming relevant and driving sales. Because of search engine optimization, businesses can more easily increase their discoverability and awareness.

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Also, businesses that are more relatable and have a clear persona, i.e., are more “human,” are more trustworthy in people’s eyes. With design customizability, your business can sound and appear less intimidating or monotonous and transcend being “just a business.”

Store owners and salespersons

Whether you have a new product, you want people to buy or are simply Konmari-ing things that no longer bring you joy, putting items up for sale online is another task that website-building platforms such as have made easier.

Owners may add functional tools such as e-commerce and landing pages to sell and educate people about their products. Online website building allows effortless content exhibition through online drag-and-drop tools.

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Visual Artists

Needless to say, these people are extremely creative with their craft. Graphic Artists, illustrators, photographers, videographers, sculptors, painters, and all types of visual artists would find not only a necessary tool to exhibit their works of art but also a new art medium in and of itself.

Design development and website creation go hand in hand. With a wide array of layouts, backgrounds, icons, styles, and typefaces to choose from, a blank website template is no different from a blank canvas in the hands of a creative person. And, if you’re not happy with the options given, creating your own design and uploading it online is not only possible, but easy.

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Photographers and 3D Modellers, among other types of artists, even have customizable galleries to show their work.

Musicians and Videographers

Visual artists aren’t the only type of artists these website-building platforms consider. Passionate performers and producers with audio in their projects find these website building platforms sound.

Uploading audio-visual content and showing the world the new song you’ve been composing, your latest spoken word excerpt, or a trailer for your future film is as easy as learning your ABCs. Visual artists, musicians, poets, videographers, and voice actors have much to play with and explore using website-building platforms.

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While writers are no strangers to online blogs, website-building platforms are perfect practice ranges for improving their visual creativity. Nowadays, people judge blogs not only by their written content but also by their level of visual attractiveness, linearity, and ease of user experience.

Whereas old online blogs have a standard look, i.e., a white background, a typical typeface, and no personality, website-building platforms inject life and color into a writer’s website, making it, as they say, one for the books.

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Restaurateurs and Servicepersons

Website-building platforms allow users to book services and place online orders easily. This is especially useful for restaurants, masseuses, cinemas, and other businesses with products and services that need booking. If we thought calling for a reservation at your favorite restaurant or ordering a product was effortless, doing so online with just a few clicks of a button is even more so.

Using contact sheets, e-mail marketing, and digital forms, taking customer orders has never been easier for businesses that revolve around reservations and order placements. It’s a win-win situation for both the business owners and the customers, who are just looking for a less difficult journey. All this is thanks to website-building platforms online.

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While we can’t ignore that website creation is useful for meeting objectives, there are times when there is no specific objective to meet.

Therefore, website-building platforms online can help you do just about anything. With endless possibilities and routes, designs and templates to choose, and search engine optimization at your hands, dabbling and learning the ins and outs of a website building platform is like playing a fun choose-your-own adventure. But unlike those books, you learn a new skill the longer you tinker with the platform.

If you’re a freelancer with many skills or are the six above types of people combined, then there is no reason not to fiddle with a website-building platform and make yourself known. With social plug-ins, online marketing, and forums, you can build relationships with the online community and expand your name and reach everywhere.

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So, whether you’re an artist looking to create your portfolio, a blogger in need of a blog, a client who wants to show the world your products and services, or just a little old looking for a new hobby and skill to learn, these website-building platforms do not discriminate and lessen the difficulties of creating a big, impactful digital presence for all.

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People Who Can Easily Build Their Own Website Without Coding

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