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Construction Industry COVID-19 Damage Assessment

The demand for the construction of hospitals, disinfection stations, dormitories to accommodate frontliners

COVID-19 Damage on Construction


COVID-19 has spread across the globe like wildfire, impacting the lives of many individuals health-wise. On the other hand, the pandemic has also affected the standard operating procedures of many businesses and industries that made up the majority of people’s daily routines. Whether they were employees working under the brand or in the industry, or they were customers seeking their products or service, these people have had to face the changes brought about by COVID-19.

COVID-19 Damage: Business Closure

In the wake of the coronavirus, many of the industries had to temporarily close in order to prevent the spread of the virus. By effectively distancing themselves from society and crowded areas, these individuals are efficiently starving the virus. While this is the right thing to do, it cannot be denied that the business of these industries are not performing as well as they did before, because of social distancing.

COVID-19 Damage: Housing Malls to Halt

One such industry is the construction industry. Because of the spread of COVID-19, countless construction projects were ordered to halt by the higher ups of society such as local government units, CEOs, or even figureheads of the national government themselves.

Establishments such as malls, houses, parking lots, and other non-medical facilities have taken a step back in order to uphold the safety of a large number of construction workers, foremen, and other staff members.

COVID-19 Damage: Canellations

However, in spite of the looming danger of the virus, one such construction project has been deemed important and exempted from these cancellations––medical facilities.

Now more than ever, the demand for the swift construction of hospitals, disinfection stations, dormitories to accommodate only first-responders and frontliners, and facilities that are giving those displaced by a virus safe haven, among other public-helping facilities are at the construction industry’s to-do list. This, needless to say, is valid and needs to be supported.

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Robert Bagatsing
Managing Editor and Founder of GineersNow based in Dubai and Manila. Survived marketing at Harvard, Management at AIM and proud Bedan.

Construction Industry COVID-19 Damage Assessment

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