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Asian Smart Cities and the 4th Industrial Revolution

Smart cities are data-dependent and address economic or social challenges to achieve sustainable development

Smart Cities


Sustainable cities of the future can be defined as those that have the latest facilities in technology, buildings, renewable energy generation solutions, and environmental conservation. The sustainability of cities would will contribute towards positive progress of future societies, as they become more developed and civilized on the path to sustainable development.

One of the aspects of urban development accompanying the technical boom is that cities are established in line with the needs of people, not the other way around, to achieve the equation of smart transformation. This way, smart cities become compatible with development while maintaining their originality and their social, economic and environmental characteristics.

Smart cities are data-dependent and address economic or social challenges to achieve sustainable development. Such data underpins sustainable city planning and inspires future foresight and boosts performance levels to achieve ideal societies for the future.

The innovation and optimal use of modern technologies and data is the cornerstone of establishing future cities which Asian cities must achieve in order to establish its position as a global centre for sustainable information infrastructure.

Keeping pace with urbanization, technological development, and the creation of smart cities, will enhance the well-being of citizens, residents and visitors. This will contribute towards an ideal and healthy environment for living and working, in a manner that provides successive generations with a healthy, satisfying and safe life.

Asian countries must realize that innovation is the primary source of wealth and development, bypassing their dependence on natural resources in order to realign their focus upon talent and ideas as the source of innovation.

The World Urban Forum is being held for the first time in the Middle East in the Arab world and this occurrence in itself is a strong testament to the success of Abu Dhabi’s effective strategy in implementing sustainable urbanization, characterized by the city’s dramatic shift towards urbanization in a relatively short period of time. The forum will provide a detailed study on the effects of modern-day urbanisation on societies, cities, economies, and climate change.

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Engr. Mary Lucas
Social Media geek living in Dubai. Mechanical Engineer chick, blogger, writer, inventor, and social good follower. Love nature, science & techn. I'm tweeting @MaryLucas87

Asian Smart Cities and the 4th Industrial Revolution

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