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The three Cs of AI security identified

Connect. Collect. Comprehend are the route to maximising AI for intelligent security

AI security


Artificial Intelligence is being hailed as the latest security breakthrough, but the industry has yet to fully understand its capabilities, according to the world’s biggest supplier of video surveillance equipment.

Now Hikvision, the Chinese manufacturer, says a simple three-C step approach to comprehending the technology will enable users to make AI security efficiencies a reality.

Having innovated ‘self-learning’ algorithms for its product range, Hikvision claims virtually limitless applications for its AI security technologies.

“We can now help banks protect employees, customers, branch offices and ATMs and assist retailers to understand footfall in their stores and optimize their merchandising strategies while helping city authorities reduce congestion and pollution with smart traffic management solutions,” explained Hikvision Regional President Binson Xu.

Adoption of AI security is only hindered by lack of understanding of its capabilities and Xu says the three-C approach of connect, collect and comprehend is the solution.

“This year, the conversation on AI security and its empowered products and solutions and R&D to provide wider products lines, intelligent functions and customised solutions will continue. IoT is the technology trend, but AI will be the important part. We will integrate the Hikvision video surveillance technologies with multiple senses, like radar or related products which cater to different client requirements. Our aim is to become the A-IoT provider. A-IoT will be divided into several steps – first connect, the second collect, the third is comprehend, to provide a solution for improved efficiency of society and its safety.”

Euklis, the Italian manufacturer of technological security solutions says AI’s efficiencies will go well beyond critical infrastructure applications extended into process management, logistics, healthcare and safety.

“It will facilitate new services, for instance, instant support to disabled people when the presence of an object such as a wheelchair is detected,” explained Euklis President Antonmarco Catania.

Catania says identity and face recognition will be the advanced security functions which are set to gain ground.

“The burgeoning technology that will come to the market over the next five years which will further machine learning in Video Monitoring Systems and help increase security are certainly technologies of identity certification,” he said.

Yet the side effects of AI security, including privacy protection, remain issues to be addressed and could impact the technology’s wide-scale adoption. “This is a burning issue within the industry,” said Andreas Rex, Show Director at Messe Frankfurt Middle East.

Due to lay out the issues and offer solutions is one of the world’s leading tech experts – Ala Taeeb, the Regional Sales Manager of American automotive and energy technology pioneer Tesla.

“Ala will question whether artificial intelligence and integrated communications technology with the industry is a step too far,” explained Rex. “Issues of privacy and controlled access will be high on the agenda. While there’s no doubt that AI is stimulating change in industry applications, the rush-to-market needs to be balanced with perceived control if the public is to be satisfied that the technology is a blessing and not a curse in the making.”

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The three Cs of AI security identified

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