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Construction Accidents? Be Mindful of Them

At construction sites with heavy equipment, it is imperative for civil engineers and its co-workers to be careful of the whereabouts of the job.

To avoid construction accidents: Be mindful.  For every engineer who works in a construction site, remember this:

“Safety is a state of mind. Accident is an absence of mind.”

This quote perhaps summarizes everyone’s workplace safety, especially for engineers who are exposed to a lot of hazards at work. At construction sites, for example, with heavy equipment and busy work, it is imperative for civil engineers and its co-workers to be careful of the whereabouts of the job.

OSHA, or Occupational Safety and Health Administration, has regulations to minimize construction site risks – and true enough, accidents in the construction work are decreasing as time goes by. But accidents still exist, since not all regulations are followed by the workers, and there are still certain circumstances with factors that humans cannot control.

Source: Hollywood Gossip

Among the many common injuries found in construction sites, listed here are 7:


Source: EHS Safety News 

When scaffoldings are not properly erected, open sides and holes are not provided covers, ladders are not secured, and steel bars are not guarded, falls happen. This makes up 1/3 of fatalities on construction sites. This can be prevented by constantly checking safety procedures, like wearing harnesses as necessary.

Falling Objects

Source: Blogspot

This is not entirely at the control of the worker, as tools and heavy equipment can fall from above anytime. While hard hats or skull guards are the first line of defense against falling objects, it pays to have a quick reaction time and vigilance while at the construction site. Be aware of the things directly above you.

Excavation and Trenching 

Source: Giphy (Construction Accidents)

Considered by OSHA as the most hazardous construction site operation, excavation and trenching has recorded 271 worker fatalities in the United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics from 2000 to 2006. This is a preventable accident but cave-ins are still happening.


Source: Giphy (Construction Accidents)

Exposed live wires, high voltage overhead, or underground power lines can result to death in construction sites. Faulty tools or leads also lead to electrocution injuries which are fatal to workers. As much as possible, always set a safe working distance away from electrical and power lines. Insulating wires is also one of the best preventive measures, but only to be done by electricians or electrical engineers.

Chemical Injuries 

Source: Gif Bin (Construction Accidents)

Construction sites can be also dangerous when there is exposure to hazardous and flammable chemicals. When you smell a certain gas that caused you a little headache, be alert and report to the safety officer. Same goes with hazardous chemicals that are lying around that can be detrimental to the health of the construction workers.

Exertion Injuries

Source: Giphy (Construction Accidents)

Injuries in the construction sites are not only limited to the environment, but within the workers as well. Workers suffer from back injuries due to heavy and incorrect lifting. There is a body mechanics to do this to stay away from such injury.

Heavy Equipment

Source: EHS Safety News  (Construction Accidents)

A lose screw, a faulty brake, an uncontrollable crane, and a hurrying forklift can all end a life. It can be the controller or the equipment’s fault, but it can all be prevented by following all construction safety guidelines. Nearly 100 construction site workers die each year due to circumstances involving heavy construction equipment.

Before you regret being in that hospital bed (that is if you survive) just because your construction site and yourself did not follow the OSHA guidelines, better be aware of the risks around your workplace.


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Engr. Maryam Khalid
Mechanical engineer living in Dubai. Blogger, writer and tech nerd. Love Dubai, love earth, love social good stuff. Follow me on Twitter @maryamkhalid95

Construction Accidents? Be Mindful of Them

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