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Construction’s Most Expensive Cities

These are cities where construction costs a fortune... bloody expensive.

Most expensive cities in the world

According to a research by Arcadis, New York, Hong Kong, and London are the three most expensive cities for construction projects. The experts of Arcadis researched and compared the costs of construction projects across a total of 44 cities. The full report of the research can be obtained from the International Construction Costs Report 2016.

According to the report, last year saw cost inflation that has been restricted due to falls in the prices of commodities. The index numbered the following cities among the 10 most expensive ones when it comes to construction:

1. New York


2. London


3. Hong Kong


4. Geneva


5. Macau


6. Copenhagen


7. Stockholm


8. Frankfurt


9. Paris


10. Singapore

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Hina Sapra

Content Writer, South Asia. Hina is a former news correspondent at Times of India

Construction’s Most Expensive Cities

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