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Do You Have A Photographic Memory?

Only 1% of the human population are said to have this ability. Could you be one of them?

(Source: Pinterest)

When we hear someone having a photographic memory, don’t we feel a little envious? Imagine easily remembering what you’ve seen or read. Imagine having to look over your notes just once and take an exam a few minutes later. Now, that would guarantee us top marks in our exams and we can easily impress our boss.

Source: Giphy

However, only one percent of us can have this amazing gift. If you’re wondering if you have it, there’s a test that can help you know. This test claims that it can figure out if someone has this amazing (and lucky) gift.

It’s a puzzle that shows someone a series of red and blue dots scattered on a gray background. If you have photographic memory, the red dots make out a letter. This test would supposedly check if you belong to the ranks of Nikola Tesla, Theodore Roosevelt, William Shakespeare and other famous people who have it.

Source: Mirror 

If you were able to see the letter G from the red dots, there’s a possibility that you have it. Or it could be just a lucky guess. More puzzles are available to help you check if you have it.

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Do You Have A Photographic Memory?

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