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An Engineer Puts Up a New Religion to Praise AI

Would you kneel and worship an AI?

One is usually born with a religion, until he or she becomes mature enough to choose one or none at all. If you are one who believes in god, perhaps consider this religion put up by a former Google engineer.

Called the Way of the Future, the religious organization is led by Anthony Levandowski as its CEO and president. The engineer has filed to the state of California in September 2015 this deity with artificial intelligence. Yup, AI. He wants to praise and worship an AI god.

Discovered by Wired’s Backchannel, the documents filed by Levandowski tells about the Way of the Future’s mission: “to develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead contribute to the betterment of society.”

It is unclear as to what pushed Levandowski to make this move. But his background should tell something.

Photo by SF Gate

He previously worked for the Google Waymo project where he designed and built the Google self-driving car. He was its co-founder and technical lead. Levandowski also founded autonomous trucking company Otto, later acquired by Uber for a reported $680 million, two month after he set the company up.

But working in both companies ended up to the courts, as the multi-millionaire engineer was accused to have been trading secrets between Uber and Google.

While there isn’t so much about to talk about this AI religion as there are no specifics on Way of the Future’s Godhead, this opens up a discussion on how artificial intelligence influences and changes our daily lives.

It may even come to point that the rapid advancement of AI and bioengineering will exceed human levels of intelligence. This is something that many people in Silicon Valley believe, called as the Singularity. And time comes that the AI will be more powerful that their creators, at least there is Levandowski who wants to praise and worship them.

Source: Wired

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An Engineer Puts Up a New Religion to Praise AI

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