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To the Engineering Student Who Got Left Behind

There’s nothing you can’t do if you just keep reminding yourself that you will be an engineer someday.

To the Engineering Student Who Got Left Behind


To that engineering student who’s stuck at 3am trying to do math… read on.

You wake up one day and you realize that your classmates in your first year in engineering have already graduated, some even starting their careers. While you’re there, finding yourself still in your school uniform and in engineering school sweating, stressing, and surviving. Many generations of future of engineers have passed and you have become stuck for your own reasons.

So what do you do as the engineering student who got left behind?


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First thing is first: stop tagging yourself as someone who is left behind. I only got to call you that for considering yourself as one, but this should serve as a wakeup call that you are not delayed. Stop thinking that you are late in the race, since engineering is not about being there first – it’s about finishing the race, regardless if you are the first or last. The important thing is you will get there.

Engineering student (Source: Life Hack)

Being an older engineering student in the classroom, you should not feel ashamed for still sitting there. Instead, take pride that you are fighting to no end, that you are determined to finish that engineering degree no matter the circumstances. It’s always about you and your ambition, and not what others think. Focus on yourself.

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Everyone works based on their time zone. You have yours, too. In your case, things will work out in your own pace.  Others may look like they are ahead of you, but they are living in their own time zone. This isn’t as if we have a time standard in studying engineering.

Engineering student (Source: Tumblr)

There’s nothing you can’t do if you just keep reminding yourself that you will be an engineer someday. Just hold on and be strong. Say it like a prayer and things will work together for your good.

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Engr. Amal Grover
A chemical engineer at Tata Chemicals. Indiana Institute of Technology alumni. Blogging about cool stuff. Follow me on Facebook

To the Engineering Student Who Got Left Behind

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