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How Engineering Students Should Prepare for Their Exams According to Science

You can never go wrong with these tips.

Much have been said by the different engineering topnotchers that we have featured about their study techniques and styles. Of course they vary, but what they say are tips according to their own experiences.

But what about science? Which study habits do engineering students need to do with scientific evidence? Here are a few:

No cramming

It is not new that engineering students have so much to study in one semester that sometimes it can be overwhelming. But studies show that cramming is not the best study habit, and the secret to this is properly managing your study time.

Studying in intervals is what scientists recommend. They say that distributing learning over time, like in 20- to 50-minute increments with 5- to 10-minute breaks, leads to long-term retention.

Also, avoiding all-nighters is a bad idea. Research says it impairs your reasoning and memory for as long as four days.


Who has the time for physical activity anyway? Engineering students do not have, but you might now after learning that 20 minutes of cardio can improve your memory. It could be dancing, jogging, or doing sports, it helps increase your energy level and reduce the effects of stress.

Eat the right food

By right food, this means fruits, vegetables, and healthy snacks all throughout. Of course it does not mean to say depriving yourself of junk food, but a balanced diet promotes better performance in attention and thinking speed. High-carb, high-fiber, slow-digesting foods like oatmeal are preferred.

Photo via Pomosa College

Change study spots

If given the convenience of space, do it when you study. Alternating your study spots helps improve retention, because the brain makes subtle associations between the topics you are studying and the background sensations it has at the time.


You do not need to highlight lots of stuff. You do not need to re-read, too. Studies show that these techniques do not consistently boost students’ performance. Instead, it is practice testing that work: using flashcards, taking practice exams, and solving more problems because that way you are bound to remember more about what you are studying.

Source: The State University of New York Blog

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How Engineering Students Should Prepare for Their Exams According to Science

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