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An Engineer’s Guide On Becoming A Morning Person

Instead of hating your job and throwing your alarm clock or pressing the snooze button, you can actually be a morning person and wake up early without having to hate anything.

Here’s an Engineer’s Guide on how to become a morning person every single day.

Not all of us get the night shift at work so for the engineers who hate waking up early in the morning, the alarm clock is the number one enemy first thing in the morning. Who wouldn’t want to sleep and get up really late right? But that’s just not possible for engineers who have to wake up early for work.

Engineer’s Guide on becoming a morning person (Source: WittyFeed)

You may be more productive at night but again, we have work at 8am. Instead of hating your job and throwing your alarm clock or pressing the snooze button, you can actually be a morning person and wake up early without having to hate anything. You can even get three hours of work done before lunch time! Wouldn’t that be great? Here are easy steps for you to be the productive morning person you’ve always wanted to be.

Go to bed at the same time every night

Engineer’s Guide on becoming a morning person (Source: Chillin)

If you really want to feel rested as soon as you wake up, you have to plan the amount of sleep you’ll be getting each night. It is advisable not to go to bed with troubled thoughts since this will just leave you anxious and it will make it harder for you to fall asleep.

Going to sleep at the same time each night will help you fall asleep faster since it will train your body clock as well. So forget about work after you leave the office and spend your nights enjoying dinner, having a few drinks and resting.

Get up earlier

Engineer’s Guide on becoming a morning person (Source: Giphy)

If you need to get up at 7am to prepare for work, how about trying to set the alarm an hour before the usual schedule? People claim that waking up earlier than expected helped them mentally prepare for the day ahead and give them the extra time they need to get things done before heading to work.

This should also be helpful since you wouldn’t have to wake up and find yourself lying in bed hating your life and wasting those precious minutes you need to prepare for work.

Follow a morning routine you actually like

Engineer’s Guide on becoming a morning person (Source: Giphy)

Having something to look forward to first thing in the morning is important. Being a morning person will be easy for you if you’re excited about something. This could be as simple as getting your coffee, working out, getting a hearty breakfast or taking a warm shower. As soon as you get used to this routine, you’ll find yourself looking forward to something early in the morning.

These three may seem pretty easy to do but you have to really do your best to stick to these habits so that it’ll be easier for you to be a morning person. When you become one, you’ll find yourself more productive and having a good day in general.

Got any tips you would want to add to this list? Leave a comment below!

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