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How To Be More Sustainable In 2020

Here, we are going to give you some of our best tips to help you be more sustainable in 2020

In 2020, it is really important that we live as sustainable lives as possible. We cannot continue living the way humans have been living for millions of years now, as it is harming the environment. While many people have made some small changes in their lives to be more sustainable, there is still more to be done.

Here, we are going to give you some of our best tips to help you be more sustainable in 2020. Keep reading to find out more about what you can do.


Do you get the bus to work or do you drive? Using public transport to get to and from locations is often the best way to live sustainably but this is not always possible for everyone. Some other options include cycling to work or even driving an electric vehicle. It is important that you consider the way that you travel and how it affects carbon emissions. It is best to avoid travel by plane as this can be the worst.

Avoid Waste

Another great way to be more sustainable in 2020 is to avoid creating as much waste. Some people around the world have gone as far as living a zero-waste lifestyle, but this can be tricky. A good place to start is to avoid buying food and products packed in plastic. Some stores have been opening up that allow you to add ingredients to jars that can be reused. This helps to reduce waste, and it can be very useful.

Swap Out Your Appliances

Our next tip for those who want to be more sustainable in 2020 is to swap out any appliances that are not energy-efficient. So many companies are creating energy-efficient lightbulbs and other products in 2020, so why are you not using them? It is important that you use as little energy at home as you can, and this includes simple things such as turning off the lights in a room. Make sure to consider the way that you use energy.


Finally, you should make sure that you recycle everything that you can in your home. Many people think that only cans and plastic bottles can be recycled, but actually, much more can be. You might even be able to recycle your old clothes, so make sure to consider this. Usually, your local government will be able to give you information on what can and can’t be recycled. Make sure to do some research on this.

Start Today

If you are not already living a sustainable lifestyle, you should make some changes today. 2020 is the year to be more sustainable at home, at work, and when travelling, so don’t wait around. Our planet is at risk, so consider how you live and take on board the advice that we have given you in this article.


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How To Be More Sustainable In 2020

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