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Three Tweaks for an Environmentally Friendly Construction

Is it impossible to combine sustainability and construction? 

You only need to switch on a news channel to see some of the devastation happening in the world as a result of human action. Some believe it is impossible to combine caring for the environment with the construction industry. However, there genuinely are ways in which you can make adjustments to be more considerate towards the world, leaving a much less severe footprint in the long run. Continue reading for three tweaks for you to try.

Materials and Construction

When it comes to the materials used in new construction, sourcing local things will be advantageous. Not only will it mean that fewer miles are traveled to deliver the goods to the construction site, but if you were to run out, a replacement would likely be much quicker to obtain. Furthermore, choosing renewable materials, such as timber, is also advisable. Of course, it is vital to weigh up the pros and cons.

Occasionally, a renewable material may not be the best option as it could ultimately be less energy efficient, leading to a more significant negative environmental impact. On paper, sometimes things look more eco-friendly than they are in reality. Thorough research will help.

Using the right material can also give you a quicker turnaround time for construction. This may not seem like it has anything to do with being environmental, but fast construction is less intense with resources. The faster you can finish a job, the less pollution your project will have caused. Using an experienced UK handrail supplier like Ezi Klamp for your railings will speed up construction since they don’t require an expert to install and can be done in far less time than regular railings.


Society as a whole is over-reliant on the use of fossil fuels for energy. However, this has got to change as it is not sustainable nor does the output positively affect the environment. The energy sources employed for new constructions should be carefully decided. Solar panels are a great way of heating water in a new property.

Sometimes schemes are available to make the total cost cheaper, so again, it is best to do your research before making a final decision about the development. Ground-source heat pumps have been popular recently, able to heat during the cooler winter months and the opposite during the warmer spells. Air-source heat pumps work in a similar way, offering another alternative.

In addition to the energy sources for the finished development, the methods used during construction ought to be considered, too. Cherry pickers with hybrid technology could be utilized to lower the impact on the environment considerably.


Drainage systems and water filtration are two things that ought to be carefully considered to avoid having an unnecessary negative effect on the world around If done carefully, water can be reused in other areas of construction, ensuring that as little as possible goes to waste. Positioning drains to allow the water to lead straight to garden areas can be a massive help, allowing rainwater to be reused rather than water from the tap, which could send water bills rocketing as well as being wasteful.

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Three Tweaks for an Environmentally Friendly Construction

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