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A Filipino Electronics Engineering Student Made This Superbly Done Photorealistic Drawing of Harley Quinn

She is proof that engineers can become excellent artists, too.

Filipino Electronics Engineering

When two close friends of mine shared this viral photo of Harley Quinn on Facebook, I thought it was just an ordinary portrait of the fictional supervillain taken from the Internet. Later, I noticed that the shared photo was posted in a Facebook group called GUHIT (Guild for Upholding and Harnessing Indispensable Talents) Pinas, the biggest organization of Filipino visual artists in the country today, and found that the photo is a color pencil drawing. Damn, I was fooled.

 Source: Jean Louisse Lozano
Source: Jean Louisse Lozano

It is a jaw-dropping piece of art. The photorealistic drawing was created and shared by artist Jean Louisse Lozano, who happens to be an engineering student, in the Facebook group. As of this article’s posting, it has more than 17,000 reactions and 2,000 shares.

The art masterpiece is made by Louisse using Faber-Castell Classic Colour Pencils and a Vellum board. She said in an exclusive interview that it took her more or less 2 weeks to finish the entire drawing, which she shared as her best biggest art achievement yet.

“Harley’s head alone required 3 days for me to draw, with 5 to 6 hours allotted time per day. The rest of the drawing contained the most details and so it took me another week to finish the entire of it,” she wrote through e-mail.

She is proof that engineers can become excellent artists, too. Other than the Harley Quinn artwork, she has created exceptional colour pencil art like the ones below.

Source: Jean Louisse Lozano
Source: Jean Louisse Lozano

The 20-year-old, who is currently an electronics engineering student at Bulacan State University, reveals more of her journey as an artist and her choice to become an engineer via an exchange of e-mails. Here is the full transcript:

At what age did you start making art? How did you learn?

I started making art when I was 7 years old. At a young age, I found making art an enjoyable activity and since then, drawing and coloring became my hobby until my skill improved as I grew up.

The one who helped me a lot is my father, and it is through him that I learned the fundamentals of making art. I joined Visual Arts Club in high school and from there, I was familiarized with the different drawing techniques and art styles.

Who or what inspired you to do this kind of art?

As a child, I was inspired by my father’s charcoal portraits and I dreamt that someday I, too, could be as great as the artist that he is. Also, a few years back, I joined GUHIT Pinas and saw the great works of my fellow young artists. This got me more inspired and made me realize that there are still so much more to learn about art.

 Source: Jean Louisse Lozano
Source: Jean Louisse Lozano

Who are your inspirations (artists) when it comes to art?

There are many artists who inspire me. Two of them are Heather Rooney who creates photorealistic drawings with color pencils and Marcello Barenghi who draws hyperrealistic 3D objects.

What art media do you use? Which ones are your favorite?

I mostly use color pencils but I also have experience on using charcoal, graphite pencils, watercolor, acrylic, pastels, ink, and ballpoint pen. Among these media my favorite one is color pencils.

What do you usually draw?

I usually create portraits since drawing human faces truly challenges me. Apart from this, portraiture helps a great deal in developing my observational skills, accuracy in sketching, and attention to details.

How often do you draw? Do you accept commissioned art?

I draw on my free time, mostly during semestral breaks or when there aren’t much academic matters to attend to.

Yes, I have accepted few commissioned art before.

 Source: Jean Louisse Lozano’s Facebook
Source: Jean Louisse Lozano’s Facebook

Do you join art competitions? If yes, which ones have you participated into? Cite awards if there are any.

I was a participant on editorial cartooning competitions during my high school years. Since sophomore year, I was the school representative for the annual Division Schools Press Conference. Luckily, I managed to win 1st place in 2010, and also won 2nd place and 3rd place in the successive years. Also, I joined poster-making contests in school events. A few of which I had won but there were times when I had lost too.

What do you consider as your biggest achievement with regards to art?

So far, I consider my Harley Quinn drawing to be my greatest achievement with regards to art. It gained recognition from a great number of people but aside from this, I am grateful that a lot of young artists found inspiration in the mentioned artwork.

For me, what matters more is not the recognition but the way the Harley Quinn artwork motivated other artists to strive harder, to continue unlocking their potentials, and to push themselves to greater extents.

Other than doing art, what are your different hobbies?

I read fiction novels, and I like exercising my brain through extensive reading. I play the violin, and write poems and essays for my personal blog.

Why choose an engineering course? Why do you want to become an engineer?

Electronics engineering has caught my interest because it is something new to me. I am really fascinated by the scope of this field especially because it offers a wide array of applications and solutions to the problems of the modern world.

I want to become an electronics engineer because I aspire to make relevant contributions to the electronics industry. I dream that someday I will be able to share innovative ideas to make people’s life easier and more convenient.

Who pushed you to take engineering when you can be an art major instead?

Wanting to become an engineer is the choice that I personally made. Nobody pushed me to take this path, and I am glad that I am an engineering student. Honestly, I was supposed to take an art-related course but I decided I should take engineering first. Hopefully in the future I could take up a formal education in the arts to become the artist I always dream to be.

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A Filipino Electronics Engineering Student Made This Superbly Done Photorealistic Drawing of Harley Quinn

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