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The Habits of Happy Successful Engineers

So how can we be able to become successful engineers and be happy at the same time?

Source: Giphy

The everyday routine jobs of engineer can be stressful and tiring, but we still work our butts off because we want to be successful engineers in the future. Unfortunately, we sometimes tend to work too much, to the point that we aren’t really happy with what we’re doing anymore. So how can we be able to become successful engineers and be happy at the same time? Here are 10 habits that happy successful engineers practice.

#1 Cherish learning in success or failure

Source: Ere Media
Source: Ere Media

They see failures as an opportunity to try something new, and better.

#2 They assume positive intent of others

Source: Playboy Fragrances
Source: Playboy Fragrances

Happy and successful engineers avoid interpreting the motive of others as ill-intent. They simply assume positive intent.

#3 Don’t wait for an apology to forgive

Source: Giphy

Sometimes it’s better not to expect an apology, and just forgive. Being able to forgive someone that may not deserve it releases you of any negative relationship burden. If they give an apology then, that’s awesome. If not, then just forgive them and learn from this experience.

#4 Listen to understand, not to respond

Source: Forbes

Listening to understand and develop a habit of asking at least 2 questions of clarity before giving your point of view. By doing so, you will have a wider outlook of the topic and you’ll be able to collaborate better.

#5 Live an attitude of gratitude

Source: Giphy

Be grateful for what you have in your life.

#6 Discover the positive

Always find the positive light in everything, even in problems.

#7 Embrace the child within

Source: Giphy

Bring out the child in you and be curious, discover new things and learn from them.

#8 Seek the adventure

Source: Giphy

Find a challenge and get out of your comfort zone. It will train you for different adversities you may encounter in the future.

#9 Avoid judgment

Source: Giphy

You don’t know the story behind others’ behavior. They may have rational reasons. It’s important to avoid being judgemental.

#10 Don’t compare yourself to others

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy

Just do your best at what you do! Stop comparing yourself to others. The only one you should compare yourself to is who you are today, and how you can better yourself for the future!

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

The Habits of Happy Successful Engineers

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