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What Not to Do When Engineers are Faced With Conflict at Work

Not all the time that your workmates are going to play nice or collaborate well with you. Here are tips.

There are so many causes of stress at work for engineers. It can be the nature of work, your workload, your boss, or the office politics. And when that last one gets into your nerve, be careful how to respond especially when the workplace issues already cause conflict among the employees.

So what should you do? Or perhaps not do? Here are four things:

Exclude a colleague

At times when you have a disagreement with a close workmate, like about an engineering opinion, do not take that outside of the office. Like what they say, what happens in the workplace stays in the workplace. And that includes the conflicts.

Never let the work tensions become personal. It is recommended that engineers maintain healthy working relationships by talking about the conflicts head on rather than ending the day without resolve.

Include the boss

There are problems which can be fixed among your co-workers which do not need the attention of your engineering boss. If you do this passive-aggressive treatment, it might change your work dynamics with that co-worker forever. And you do not want that because he or she might not be able to trust you fully anymore.

Perhaps the best approach if the issue is small is to speak openly with and directly to your co-worker.

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Do not be like kids who want to have fun about what’s going on. While it is okay to vent out, to gossip is another thing. It is not good when your intention to talk to other colleagues is to bring down the one you are having conflict with.

Gossiping at work is never healthy. You do not want the other person to do that to you. Remember the golden rule.


Not only does this make the situation worse, it could cost you your job. Say you have been wronged by another engineer and you start maligning his or her work, you will be found out eventually. It’s not worth it to treat workplace conflicts like this.

Source: Recruiter

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What Not to Do When Engineers are Faced With Conflict at Work

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