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This is One of the Best Ways to Keep an Engineer from Burning Out

There’s one easy trick to keep that from happening.

We all want everybody in our team to be engaged in the work they are assigned in. We also want them to be always eager in finding the right solutions to the team’s problems, to produce better results and deliver more than what is expected of them.

And if there’s one thing we hate to happen with the engineers we work with, it’s getting the employe to have burnout.

We encourage them to work really hard offering them promises of promotion or a raise if they do. Along the way, however, they get tired. Once they do, we know they’ll start hating the job, performing less and eventually quitting the job.

This happens to many employees. In the engineering field, where there are so many deadlines to beat and projects and papers to work on, getting the burnout is bound to happen.

But it appears that there’s one easy trick to keep that from happening.

Photo via Sujan Patel

A research presented during the annual meeting of the Academy of Management states that the main source of this problem actually comes from answering work emails after office hours.

While it may sound like a task engineers can avoid, most engineers find it hard to ignore a work email as soon as they receive a notification from their devices. It’s harder when they expect one from an important client or a demanding boss.

On that regard, a note to managers and leaders: if you want your engineers not to feel any resentment from their work, it is advisable to encourage them to separate work life from personal life.

This involves not sending any emails as soon as they step out of the office so they have nothing to check. People are more productive and less likely to feel stress about work when they work strictly during office hours and enjoy their personal lives after.

Source: Inc

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This is One of the Best Ways to Keep an Engineer from Burning Out

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