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An Open Letter To The Unemployed Fresh Engineering Graduate

This letter's for all the unemployed engineers out there. Know this, things will get better soon.

When we first entered the great halls of our college, the spirit of being a freshman studying engineering was so alive. A great future was ahead of us as soon as we graduate and leave the halls of an amazing institution that promises us that we’ll be the next leaders of our country. We were assured that if we studied hard and pass all our subjects, we would easily get a job. We thought obtaining an engineering degree wouldn’t be difficult. We thought wrong.

For years, we struggled to find our identities as we surf through the waves of young adulthood while dealing with difficult majors. Luckily for us, all those years of pain, tears and hard work paid off. We held hands as we marched together on graduation day. We cheered for each other as soon as we got the diploma we worked so hard for. In those moments, we thought it was going to be a start of an amazing life pursuing the careers we wanted – as engineers.

Months later, I check up on you and see how you’re doing. Unfortunately, all I got was a “nothing” from you. I remember how we used to imagine ourselves getting the jobs we love – you as an engineer in a mining company and me just doing my own thing. It made me realize that life after college is probably one of the hardest stages a 20-something year old could ever face in life. We eventually find out that things don’t go our way – we go through personal tragedies, lose friends, deal with the piling bills on the counter and find out that the job we’ve always wanted to have doesn’t exactly want us back.

Source: Giphy fresh engineering graduate

Just when we thought we already figured out what we want for ourselves, life happens. Yes, I know you’re scared and I’m sure you feel like giving up on your dreams every now and then. But here’s what I want you to remember: We don’t have to figure everything out right now.

Source: Giphy fresh engineering graduate

Even though we see our peers easily navigating their way around the real world, here we are struggling to be less financially dependent on our parents. It hasn’t been an easy life for us but I want you to remember that we’ll be okay. We ‘re young and we’re bound to make mistakes. You may not have impressed the companies you applied for right now but trust me, you’ll eventually find that job that will be perfect for you. You just have to believe in yourself and never ever give up on your dreams.

Source: Giphy fresh engineering graduate

And life. What about life? It offers us so many possibilities so don’t forget to stop for a moment and find yourself being open to all the things life can offer to each of us. You don’t have to stick to the plan you created when you were younger. Life will always find a way to ruin that for us, so don’t worry if you haven’t figured everything out yet.  Don’t worry if you haven’t found a job yet. Just don’t give up chasing your dreams. Work hard to achieve them.

Source: Giphy fresh engineering graduate

Life may not be kind to everyone but it certainly rewards those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Source: Giphy fresh engineering graduate

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An Open Letter To The Unemployed Fresh Engineering Graduate

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