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This Pen Can 3D Print Cartilages

Doctors can now match stem cell implants to patients accurately.

Doctors can now create custom-made joints from your own stem cells. A team from St. Vincent’s Hospital at Melbourne have developed the Biopen, a pen-type that can 3D print cartilages, using ink made from hydrogel and stem cells. With this device, surgeons can accurately customize the joint to the patient with surgical “scaffolds,” then permanently harden the biogel using ultraviolet light.

Biopen 3D Print (Source: ACESElectromaterials)

Biopen (Source: The Times)

The Biopen is built from medical-grade plastic and titanium, so it is sturdy enough to handle the challenges of an operating room. According to Professor Peter Choong, Director of Orthopaedics at st. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, “The development of this type of technology is only possible with interactions between scientists and clinicians — clinicians to identify the problem and scientists to develop a solution.”

Biopen (Source: Dezeen)

Doctors have developed a Biopen prototype several years ago, but have improved it. The biopen yields a high 97% survival rate for the cells. This device can also be used in other surgeries where custom tissue regeneration is needed.

Biopen (Source: Dezeen)

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This Pen Can 3D Print Cartilages

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